Posted by: | 6th Jan, 2009

Back Again.

Well, it’s back to class time. I was dreading having to work again but after going to class for two days I realized that I had forgotten how much I actually like university work. Not the papers/exams, but the material. If you want something interesting to look at, here is the philosophy website. I am really getting into philosophy. Maybe it can be my major… (I have no idea what I am going to do for the whole major/minor thing. sigh)

It may be great to be back in the classes, but the campus sure leaves something to be desired. Thank god for rubber boots. Every day, I have to trek through Lake SUB (student union building) to get from the bus stop to my classes. The deck out front looks normal enough on a sunny day, but on a wet day, the flat surface magically changes into a crater that fills up with water. How does this happen? Maybe I should have gone into sciences to unravel the mystery of suspicious sinking concrete.

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

P.S. I applied to become a MUG (my undergraduate group) leader! Mostly because I really really want to go to the pep rally again.


Cool. Philosophy looks interesting–I’m taking it this Summer 😛

You liked the pep rally? That was my least favorite part of Imagine… XD Nonetheless, good luck with applying ^^

Oh the stories that circulate about the bodies of water that form during massive rainfall. Did you SEE the ocean that formed right beside Wesbrook building?

And I’m so glad you applied for MUG leading. I’ve done IMAGINE and PTSO with Orientations, as a MUG leader and Squad leader… good times. =)

Oh and I love talking Philosophy. I’m taking an ethics course for the first time and I’m so glad I am!

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