Put your food science knowledge to the test! Join UBC’s IFT College Bowl Team


Hello Graduate Students!

Next Friday at 1 pm, Dr. Patricia Hingston will be holding IFT College Bowl try outs in MCML 240. Sign up here!

What is College Bowl?

  • Annual food science trivia competition hosted by Institute of Food Technologists, the accrediting body for our Food Science Program at UBC
  • Teams from Food Science programs across North America compete
    • First we compete against our division (Pacific North West) and then winning division teams compete at the IFT conference in Chicago in the summer for a cash prize
  • Competition is SUPER FUN! A very encouraging atmosphere with very nice people
    • Get to know food science students and professors from other universities!
    • Tour food science facilities at the university
    • Put your food science knowledge to the test
  • Read more here

Where/when is College Bowl?

  • This year College Bowl will take place at Washington State University in Pullman Washington
    • The exact date is not released but it’s usually the third Saturday of March  (23rd)
    • We will fly in the Friday and out the Sunday
      • NOTE: You must pay for your flight upfront and then I will reimburse you
      • I will cover hotel and taxi/uber expenses

What is involved in trying out?

  • Complete a 30 question quiz in 10 minutes
  • Top 5 ranking students make the team!
  • Can have up to 2 graduate students on the team

Sign up here!


Patricia Hingston, PhD
Assistant Professor of Teaching

Food Science | Food, Nutrition and Health Program | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Musqueam Traditional Territory
Room 223 – MacMillan Building – 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Office: (604) 827-1604 | Cell: (604) 363-2110
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