Opportunity for Grad Students and Postdocs: Become a CJUR Reviewer!


I am the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Research (CJUR) at the University of British Columbia. CJUR is a journal that aims to provide an accessible platform for undergraduate researchers to gain experience in academic publishing. We are looking for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from all fields to join our team of reviewers. For more information, you can see our website.


What a position as a CJUR reviewer looks like:

When our team receives an article that aligns with a reviewer’s field of study, we contact them via email, and they can choose to accept or decline our revision request at that time. Each paper is subject to two rounds of revision with an estimated time commitment of 1-2 hours per round. The reviewer’s role is to provide feedback to the student, by advising them on how to improve their writing for current and future journal submissions.


We would appreciate it if you could share this opportunity with the trainees and members in your program. Please find the registration form link below/attached our recruitment poster.


Registration Form: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3qRafhhqu6JZvp4


Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much.


Kind regards,


Emma Lam, Co-Editor-in-Chief


Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research Opportunities, The University of British Columbia

6133 University Blvd, AMS Student Nest, Room 3302D

Vancouver BC

info@cjur.ca | https://cjur.ca | fb.com/cjuresearch


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