Steering Committee – student position open


Seeking students for a food innovation Steering Committee 

Are you entrepreneurial and interested in working with people in B.C.’s food and beverage industry?  If so, learn about this unique position open to all UBC students – students are invited to apply for a position on the Steering Committee of UBC’s new Dan On Food and Beverage Innovation Centre (FBIC).

The FBIC will train the next generation of food scientists, and provide opportunities for UBC faculty members and students to work with B.C. food and beverage companies. These collaborations will foster innovation in technology and new product development, and support the growth of food and beverage companies locally and throughout the world.

The FBIC will open its doors to the public in 2025. To guide its development, the FBIC is establishing a formal Steering Committee with representatives from government, industry, and academia. This committee will provide strategic advice and support as the FBIC grows.

We are looking for a student representative to join this committee. If you believe you are a strong fit for this role, please complete the survey below to apply.

Apply to join the FBIC Steering Committee:

If you have any questions:
Email Farahnaz Fathordoobady, Educational Program Manager:

Learn more about the FBIC:



Karen Lee (She, Her, Hers)
Director of Marketing and Communications
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2357 Main Mall | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 827 5297 | Cell 604 312 6343 | @ubcLFS

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