Next Term- IBioS Grad Student Seminar Series Schedule


We finalized next term’s IBioS Graduate Student Seminar Series, and we hope you can share the schedule below with the students in your departments.

Upcoming Seminars: (see full seminar description here:

Research Blitz: Grad Students Share Their Research on Biodiversity Conservation

  • January 14th | 3:30-4:30
  • March 4th | 3:30-4:30

Professional Development

  • Your Future, Your Plan: Reflecting on an Individualized Development Plan, January 20 | 12-1
  • Research to Impact – Skills, Tools and Practices for Knowledge Exchange and Mobilization, March 10 | 12-1
  • Reflecting on Truth and Reconciliation with Dr. Warren Cardinal McTeague, March 25 | 3:30-4:30
  • Public Scholars Initiative – Information Session, April 7 | 12-1

Career Paths in Conservation

  • Elizabeth Nelson’s Path to Becoming a Science Advisor for Parks Canada, January 28 | 3:30-4:30
  • Tahia Devisscher’s Path to Nature-Based Solutions Research, February 10 | 12-1
  • Cole Burton’s Path to Mammal Ecology Research, February 25 | 3:30-4:30
  • Emily Rubidge’s Path to Marine Biodiversity Research, April 22 | 3:30-4:30


Registration link:


We also created a flyer that can be printed and hung on bulletin boards, shared in meetings, and distributed to students.


I appreciate your support. Please let me know if you have any questions.





Conny Scheffler, (hear it pronounced) Dr. rer. nat. (she, her, hers)

Program Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Collaboratory (IBioS)

AERL 443, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 |

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