Join us for our next Climate Conversation event! Jan 21 from 12:00 – 1:30pm


Join us for our next Climate Conversation event!

Climate Policy and the New US Administration

January 21 | 12-1:30

Third Space Building | 6363 Biological Sciences Road, behind the Earth Sciences Building

Optional registration link.






With the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20th, the role of the US federal government in climate action is expected to shift significantly. Come join on January 21st for an informal conversation with faculty experts who will lead a dialogue around topics such as:

– The anticipated role of subnational actors, such as individual States, in climate policy and action
– The impacts on global progress towards reducing global carbon emissions
– Impact on global climate commitments, such as the Paris Agreement
– Executive Orders impacting climate policy that are put in place on inauguration day
– And other topics that emerge!

All participation is welcome at these opportunities to gather with colleagues. No registration is required, but optionally registering gives us the ability to reach out to you directly with event updates and follow-ups, which can be done here.

Feel free to bring your lunch or a snack to this informal dialogue! Tea or similar will be provided, please bring a mug whenever possible.


Sign up for our newsletter or find other climate related events on our website.


The Climate Solutions Research Collective Team
UBC Climate Solutions Research Collective

The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
Room 431 AERL | 2202 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada

The Climate Solutions Research Collective is a new UBC pan-university initiative designed to build connections across UBC climate researchers, groups and initiatives, and to encourage new collaborative research on climate change solutions. It aims to foster engagement across departments and faculties, and to support graduate students and faculty in applying their research and expertise to climate change mitigation, adaptation, and/or education.


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