Book a one-on-one consult with a Grad Expert this December


Below you will find a very short, but sweet, UBC Library Research Commons newsletter for December. Our workshops end this week, however, this makes the perfect time for your students to book one-on-one consults with our Graduate Experts! Please encourage them to do so if you can.

Here is the link to the newsletter, if it is easier to share that way:

Since you won’t hear from me again until 2020, I wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Hopefully balanced and happy! Thank you for all you have done this year to help us share our news at the Research Commons. We sincerely appreciate it!

Warm regards,

Sarah Blay (she, her, hers)
Program Coordinator | UBC Library Research Commons
Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory

Walter C. Koerner Library | 455-1958 Main Mall | V6T 1Z2

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