Thesis Defense – Plant Science – PhD – Yifan Yan


UBC – Faculty of Land and Food Systems Announces

The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
(Plant Science)

 Yifan Yan

Anthocyanin Accumulation and Cuticular Wax Deposition in Blueberries: Impacts on Fruit Surface Color and Water Loss”

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 – 9:00 AM

Room 200 of the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road)


Chair: Dr. S. Graham
Supervisory Committee:
Dr. S.D Castellarin – Supervisor
Dr. M. Deyholos – Committee member
Dr. T. Knipfer – Committee member
Dr. L. Kunst – Committee member
Defense Committee Composition
Dr. S.D Castellarin – Supervisor
Dr. M. Deyholos – Committee member
Dr. T. Knipfer – Committee member
Dr. D. Kitts – University Examiner
Dr. X. Li – University Examiner
Dr. K. Tanino – External Examiner
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