Support Our Science Advocacy Week – Town Hall & Panel (Sept 26 11-12PM @ DMCBH Rudy North)


After a successful Nation-Wide walkout on May 1st to advocate for increased grad student and post-doc funding across Canada, the Neuroscience Trainee Association is organizing a Town Hall and Trainee Panel on behalf of Support Our Science. We would love it if you could share the info with your department! All grad students, post-docs and faculty members are invited!

What is Support Our Science? 

Support Our Science is a grassroots organization with a clear mandate: improve pay for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in Canada. This includes all researchers, from science and engineering to social sciences and humanities. 

What is advocacy week and our goals?

  • Increase awareness of Support Our Science and the mission for Members of Parliament at a crucial time
  • Amplify our message to increase funding to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars through federal scholarship, fellowships and grants
  • Put pressure on Canada’s Minister of Finance, Hon. Chrystia Freeland, to include our asks in the Fall Economic Update or Budget 2024

More info can be found:

Register for the event here! 

When? Tuesday, September 26 11-12PM

Where? DMCBH Rudy North Lecture Hall

Questions? Email


Thank you and look forward to seeing you there!
Shalini and Ava
On Behalf of the Neuroscience Trainee Association

Shalini IyerMSc (she/her)
Neuroscience PhD Student | Cembrowski Lab
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2350 Health Sciences Mall, Life Science Institute, Rm 3302 | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z3 Canada

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