INDS 502E – Graduate Course on Interdisciplinarity and Public Scholarship


INDS 502 E – University of British Columbia (V), traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xwməθkwə’yəm (Musqueam) people

Methodologies of Crossing: Exploring Interdisciplinary Knowledges, Trajectories, and Worldviews 


Professor: Dr. Rajdeep S. Gill

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 4:00 – 7:00pm (online), September – December, 2021

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Course Description

This course offers a creative and collaborative approach to understanding and exploring interdisciplinary constructions of knowledges across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The methodological, structural and socio-ecological contours of diverse historical and contemporary formations of interdisciplinarity will be intricately examined. There will be a strongly focus on the interrelationship of knowledges and value, interdisciplinarities and public reason.

Along with in-depth dialogue and experiential learning, guest speakers from the UBC community and beyond will be invited to enrich interdisciplinary engagement and learning. A supportive and exploratory space will be created for connecting interdisciplinarity to the specific research, methodological and personal interests of each course participant.

No background in interdisciplinary research is required, and students from any and all areas of study are welcome. Curiosity, adventurousness, imagination and creativity will be encouraged. The desire to expand avenues of knowledge exchange and translation across academic, community and public contexts will be welcomed and supported.

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