UBC 23 24 Indigenous Student Events – Please Distribute


Good afternoon,


I hope you had a wonderful long weekend! A few weeks ago, we requested the contact information of the individual who works with Indigenous students in your program so we are better able to communicate Indigenous-specific events and supports to students. As we have two Indigenous student events coming up over the next month, we hope that you can send these events to the Indigenous students in your program and others who can help with distribution. Please find the posters for these events attached.


Event Details:


UBC 23 24 Indigenous Student Community Time (Vancouver In-person Event) UBC 23 24 Indigenous Student Virtual Lunch
Date: Wednesday, March 1st, 2023

Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Location: School of Population and Public Health, Room 424


The UBC 23 24 team is excited to invite Indigenous students from all Health Science programs to join us to sit in community, share some food and make Medicine bags! Indigenous students completing Q2 and Q3 of UBC 23 24 Indigenous Cultural Safety are also welcome to bring any thoughts, concerns or questions they may have to discuss during our crafting time. All Medicine bags and beading supplies will be provided for the event.


Please find the event registration link: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enVIlI45iH731lA


Date: Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Location: Online (Zoom)


The UBC 23 24 team is excited to extend an invitation to Indigenous students from all Health Professional programs to come together and share a virtual meal. During this time, we welcome any thoughts, concerns, or questions you may have about the ICS Q2 and Q3 online modules. A SkiptheDishes gift card will be sent to your email before the event.


Please find the event registration link: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_enVIlI45iH731lA



You can also find information about these events and future events on our website: https://ubc2324.med.ubc.ca/events/


Thank you so much for your help in connecting us to Indigenous students to better support them while they engage with the UBC 23 24 curriculum. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Warm regards,


UBC 23 24 Team
Faculty of Medicine | Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2206 East Mall | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z3 Canada

The UBC Vancouver campus is situated within the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam).






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