Please share w/ grad students: Accessibility Committee, IBPOC Lunch


Dear graduate program advisors and administrators,


We have two upcoming opportunities for graduate students – please consider and share the messaging below as suitable and feasible with your graduate student community:


  1. Attend IBPOC Connections Faculty and Staff Lunch: On March 9th
    1. Invitations are now extended to graduate students for the IBPOC Faculty and Staff Lunch tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th. Please share with your graduate student community today if possible as registrations close tonight at 11:30PM. Please see copy below.


  1. Join UBC’s Accessibility Committee: Closes March 13th
    1. UBC is taking steps to establish an Accessibility Committee to support disability inclusion and guide future direction at the university. Students, staff, and faculty are invited to apply to serve on the inaugural Committee.
    2. As staff and faculty, please consider this opportunity yourself, and as administrators and advisors to students please consider forwarding the below message to students in your departments and programs. This opportunity was communicated out to staff and faculty via UBC Today, UBCO Exchange, and the Inclusive UBC newsletter. If you could please share the copy below this week, that would be most appreciated. Applications are closing March 13th.



Student opportunity: Join UBC’s Accessibility Committee


UBC is taking steps to establish an Accessibility Committee to support disability inclusion and guide future direction at the university. Students at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan are invited to apply to this inaugural committee, alongside faculty and staff.


The Committee will be tasked with providing on-going guidance and advice to the university on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to accessibility and to help fulfill the university’s legal obligations and commitments to disability inclusion and justice principles. Apply by March 13th. Completing the application takes about 15 minutes on average.


Learn more and apply



IBPOC Connections Faculty and Staff Lunch


Invitations are extended to IBPOC graduate students to attend an IBPOC Faculty and Staff Lunch at St. John’s College, tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th. Connect with the IBPOC community at UBC Vancouver while enjoying a pan-Asian menu and arts and crafts activities. You will have the opportunity to hear a slam poetry performance, participate in a short salsa dancing class and win a door prize! Register by 11:30PM, today, Wednesday, March 8th.

Buy a ticket ($10)



Thank you for your consideration.


Marko Pajalic  MA (He, Him, His)
Communications Manager
UBC Equity & Inclusion Office
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2306 – 1874 East Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z1 Canada
Phone 604 827 2384 Ext. 72384 | Cell 604 377 8344 | @ubcequity

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