You’re invited: LFS Scholar Series – Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle November 3


Land and Food System Scholar Series

Invited scholar: Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle

Hosted by:  JT Cornelius, Soil Science


Title: Charting a path to net-zero carbon agriculture


Abstract: Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), has a unique capacity for carbon storage and is also significantly impacted by changing temperature, and extreme climate events making it an important focus for climate change action. As a result, government and industry have set ambitious emission reduction targets for the sector. Achieving these targets requires the identification and implementation of the most promising mitigation practices for on-farm management of energy, animals, manure, soils and crops. Taking an integrated systems approach to food systems considering the inter-connectedness of various parts will be key.


Biography: Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle is a Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Canada.  Originally from Brazil, Claudia has degrees from the University of Sao Paulo and Guelph. Claudia leads an internationally renowned research program greenhouse gas emission measurements to determine the carbon footprint of food, feed, and fuel produced by agriculture.  Claudia is the Editor-in-Chief of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and leads a nationwide training program on Climate-Smart Soils. Claudia is Director of the North American regional chapter of the International Nitrogen Initiative and was awarded the 2020 IFA Borlaug Award of Excellence in Crop Nutrition.


Join in-person or via Zoom:

Date: Novemeber 3, 2022

Time: 10:00-11:00 AM PDT

Location: In-person at SWNG 310, or via Zoom

In-person seating is limited (capacity of 30), please register here by Oct 30.


Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) November 27, December 3 & 4, 2022 application opens October 17!




Please forward the following information to your graduate students:


The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be offering a Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on November 27, December 3 & 4, 2022.

The Grad ISW is a 24-hour, fully participatory, and peer-based professional development workshop for graduate students that is beneficial to both new and experienced instructors.

Please note: you must attend all face-to-face sessions and complete all independent work for the complete duration of the workshop, (i.e. the entire 24-hour workshop).

To apply for the waitlist for November 27, December 3 & 4, 2022 sign up here:


Application opens on October 17 and closes on November 23, 2022 at 4:30 pm. By clicking this link, you are applying for the WAITLIST only and this DOES NOT register you for the workshop. Graduate ISWs at UBC are in high demand. To create an equitable registration process all graduate students who apply for an ISW will first be enrolled on a waitlist, from which participants are randomly selected. If a participant has applied for more than one ISW waitlist, their name will appear more frequently when generating the participant list, giving them a higher chance of being selected for an ISW. If you are accepted into the workshop, you will be contacted by our office to confirm your registration. For more information and a list of all upcoming sessions visit:


Workshop Eligibility:


A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is eligible if they are:

  • a full-time or part-time registered graduate student at UBC during the academic term when the ISW is offered
  • a graduate student at UBC who has completed degree requirements but has not yet convocated
  • a joint degree graduate student who is enrolled at UBC and another institution
  • a graduate student at UBC pursuing non-degree studies
  • a visiting graduate student that is eligible to take courses


A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is not eligible if they are:

  • not a graduate student at UBC
  • a graduate student at UBC who has on-leave status
  • a visiting graduate student that is not eligible to take courses



Elisa Herman
Event Coordinator
Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
214-1961 East Mall  | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z1 Canada | @UBC_CTLT

IOF Seminar: Ocean in need of Blue Governance, October 14, 2022 at 11 am.

IOF SEMINAR – October 14, 2022


Ocean in need of Blue Governance



Prof. Failler is the Director of the Centre for Blue Governance. He holds the UNESCO Chair in Ocean Governance. He coordinates complex research projects with multidisciplinary teams for more than 25 years in Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, and Pacific coastal countries (more than 40 to date) in collaboration with national research institutions and universities and a close link with policy bodies. He has recently coordinated the Blue Economy Strategy for the African Union, the Regional Action Plan for the Blue Economy of the Indian Ocean Commission, the Blue Economy Strategy of the Intergovernmental Authority for development (IGAD) as well as the Blue Economy Strategy for Bangladesh, Seychelles, Guinea, The Bahamas, Jamacia, Madagascar and Tanzania. He has authored and co-authored about 160 journal articles, and 350 book chapters, research reports, consultancy reports, etc. He is also a Scientific evaluator for several research councils in UK, Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia.



Dr. Pierre Failler
Professor of Economics,
University of Portsmouth
Friday, October 14, 2022 – 11:00am  – 12 noon
Available over Zoom


Please note: This session may be recorded



IOF community members (students, faculty and staff) do not need to RSVP for this seminar series.

UBC members, alumni, and all others, please RSVP at:






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Call for Applications: Disaster Resilience Graduate Fellowship


Graduate Fellowship Poster

The Disaster Resilience Research Network (DRRN) is a new Research Excellence Cluster at UBC, which aims to advance multi-hazard assessment and mitigation in support of inclusive, equitable, and just disaster risk management.


DRRN seeking two highly motivated UBC graduate students for its inaugural Disaster Resilience Graduate Fellowship. The fellows will support the DRRN by analyzing the state of disaster research in British Columbia.


Two graduate students will be selected: one from the sciences or applied sciences, and the other from the social sciences or humanities. They will work together to conduct a transdisciplinary literature review about disaster preparedness, response, and governance in British Columbia from a hybrid socio-technical perspective. This review will provide a strong foundation to develop research questions and methodologies which can be implemented through external grant applications and will ultimately be revised as a publication in an appropriate transdisciplinary journal.


Fellows will also be expected and encouraged to participate in and support network activities, as appropriate.



  • January – December 2023

Pay and program benefits:

  • $7,500 fellowship, paid bi-weekly
  • Flexible working hours
  • Shared office space

Eligibility and selection criteria:

  • Must be enrolled as a graduate student at UBC for the duration of the position
  • Strong research interest in disaster-related studies
  • Strong research and writing skills
  • Able to work both independently and as a member of a team

To apply, you will need the following materials:

  • Cover letter (1-2 pages) indicating your interest in the position and describing how you meet the selection criteria above
  • Academic CV

Application deadline: Monday, November 14, 2022, 11:59 PM


Short-listed candidates will be invited to participate in a short interview over Zoom.


For more information and to apply, visit:



Jonathan Eaton
Network Coordinator
Disaster Resilience Research Network
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
6250 Applied Science Lane | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada

Winter 2022 Co-op Job Opportunity for Environment and Climate Change Canada




I’m reaching out to share the attached Winter 2022 co-op job opportunity at Environment and Climate Change Canada with your students. We are looking for a Junior Policy Analyst with experience and interest in environmental regulation, resource management, Indigenous reconciliation, and more to help in developing the exciting proposed Coal Mining Effluent Regulations and the development of regulations for the oil sands mining sector.


Please see the job poster attached. Please note that students should register in a winter co-op program or be enrolled in the Federal Student Work Experience Program to apply.


Thank you,


Nika Moeini (she/her)

Policy Analyst, Regulatory Development and Analysis

Mining and Processing Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada, Government of Canada / 778-829-6452


Analyste de Politiques, Elaboration et analyse des règlements

Division des mines et traitement

Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, Gouvernement du Canada 778-829-6452


Co-op job poster (E)-Winter 2023