Future of mariculture under climate change – October 6, 2023 @ 11 am


IOF SEMINAR – October 6, 2023

Future of mariculture under climate change

Image by Tapani Hellman from Pixabay

Aquaculture has shown remarkable growth, averaging about 6.7% per year over the last three decades, making it the fastest-growing agro-food sector worldwide. In 2021, aquaculture accounted for approximately 91 million tonnes, representing 47% of total fish food production. However, mariculture, a sub-sector of aquaculture, faces uncertainties due to climate change’s impact on farm species and farming sites, as well as its indirect effects through disease outbreaks. The future of mariculture is also influenced by socio-economic factors like fish feed and oil supply, trades, market demand, and technology. Adaptation through adjustments to aquaculture technology and practices can help reduce climate risks to seafood production from mariculture. This presentation aims to discuss the potential effects of climate change on seafood production from mariculture, focusing on suitable marine areas, fishmeal and fish oil supply, seafood supply, and revenue. By considering critical aspects such as biological, environmental, social, and economic factors, this presentation provides a comprehensive understanding of the prospects of seafood production from mariculture in the face of climate change.


Dr. Muhammed A. Oyinlola is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut national de la recherché scientifique, Quebec and UBC Department of Zoology. His research aims to understand aquatic systems’ potential contribution to future global food production, particularly under climate change. He engaged predictive models and scenarios for his research investigations.

He has worked as an aquaculture technician in Malta, aquaculture extension officer, farm supervisor and aquaculture training officer in both public and private organizations in Nigeria. He also has extensive experience as a fisheries biologist. Muhammed held a Nigeria Scholar Network Scholarship (2007-2009), German Academic Exchange Service scholarship (2012-2014), Erasmus plus scholarship (2015) and The Nippon Foundation- Nereus Program fellowship (2015-2019). He has a bachelor’s degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management from the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, a Master’s degree in Aquatic Tropical Ecology from Universität Bremen, Germany and a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of British Columbia, Canada.


Dr. Muhammed Oyinlola
Postdoctoral Fellow
Institut national de la recherché scientifique, Quebec and
UBC Zoology

Friday, October 6, 2023 – 11:00am  – 11:50 am
HYBRID: AERL Theatre, 2202 Main Mall, UBC Vancouver and
Online over Zoom

IOF community members (students, faculty and staff) do not need to RSVP for this seminar series.

UBC members, alumni, and all others, please RSVP at:



GradUpdate – Liu Scholars Program,Writing with Integrity: Citing Like An Insider, Fostering Student Belonging through Inclusive Language, Thriving in Grad School Support Group, Join Tables in R, and more.



In this issue, Liu Scholars Program,Writing with Integrity: Citing Like An Insider, Fostering Student Belonging through Inclusive Language, Thriving in Grad School Support Group, Join Tables in R, and more.

Seats available

Copyright for your Thesis: How to use Images and other material
Re-scheduled from Sept 13
Online | Thursday, Oct 5 | 11:15 am – 12:45 pm Register

Introduction to Machine Learning
This webinar will introduce basic concepts behind the machine learning algorithms, their difference from statistical methods and the most common type of problems that can be tackled with machine learning algorithms.
Online | Friday, Oct 13 | 10 am – 12 pm Register

Other sessions in this series include:
Oct 20, Introduction to Predictive Performance Assessment Register
Nov 3, Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning Register

Events and Opportunities

A selection of upcoming events are highlighted below.  Visit  community.grad.ubc.ca and grad.ubc.ca/current-students/professional-development for our full events calendar.


Liu Scholars Program
$2000 award | available to current doctoral students
The themes for 2023-24 are (1) climate policy; (2) environmental policy; (3) energy policy, energy transition, and/or energy in development; (4) global food security; (5) international trade; and (6) international human rights.
Learn more and apply by Friday, Oct 27.


UBC Career Days
In-person, Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
Wednesday, Oct 4 and Thursday, Oct 5 | 11 am – 3:30 pm Learn more

Employer On-Campus
In-person | GHD | Tuesday, Oct 10 | 6 – 7 pm Learn more
In-person | Gov’t of Canada: Public Service Commission | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 12 – 1 pm Learn more
In-person | Metro Vancouver | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 6 – 7 pm Learn more


Thriving in Grad School Support Group
Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or challenged in balancing work and life? Thriving in Grad School is an in-person support group for graduate students to connect with each other in a nonjudgmental and welcoming space to help navigate the unique challenges of grad school.
In person | Wednesdays, Oct 25 – Dec 6 | 3 – 4:15 pm | attend one or more Learn more


Introduction to Machine Learning: Regression Models
Online | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 12 – 2 pm Register

Data Bites – Best Practices for Creating a README file
Online | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 1 – 1:30 pm Register

Join tables in R
Online | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 2 – 3 pm Register


CTLT Generative AI Support Clinic
Online Drop-in | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 1 – 2 pm Register

Fostering Student Belonging through Inclusive Language
CIRTL workshop series
Online | Wednesday, Oct 11 and 25 | 9 – 10:30 am Register


Anti-Racism and Solidarity in University Settings
Online | Thursday, Oct 12 | 10 am – 12 pm register


Writing with Integrity: Citing Like An Insider
Hybrid | Wednesday, Oct 11 | 10 – 11:30 am register

Deciphering legal terminology for fisheries scholars



IOF SEMINAR – September 29, 2023

Deciphering legal terminology for fisheries scholars

Image by succo from Pixabay

In this seminar, Adam Soliman will provide an overview of key legal terms commonly used in research related to the human rights approach to fisheries management, including constitutional rights as well as property rights. The aim of this seminar is to provide fisheries scholars with a layout of legal terms and how to navigate them. Adam will also provide a layout of various gender equality theories and terminology relevant to fisheries management research.

Adam Soliman is a fisheries law scholar focused on international environmental law and human rights. He teaches and lectures at several universities including the University of Hong Kong, Dalian Maritime University (China), and University of Calgary. He also taught at the University of British Columbia where he is now pursuing his Ph.D. He is often consulted by international organizations such as the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization and environmental organizations. Adam’s research is focused on property rights, human rights, social justice and ethics in fisheries.


Adam Soliman
Barrister and Solicitor
UBC Allard Law Ph.D. Student



Friday, September 29, 2023 – 11:00am  – 11:50 am
HYBRID: AERL Theatre, 2202 Main Mall, UBC Vancouver and
Online over Zoom

IOF community members (students, faculty and staff) do not need to RSVP for this seminar series.

UBC members, alumni, and all others, please RSVP at:

Be Inspired by our Inspirational Talk Series at EIW 2023 ✨


Be Inspired
Register Now | Join us September 26-28, 2023 | In person and online

Get tickets

Our Inspirational Talks series at Entrepreneurship Immersion Week are stories rooted in founder journeys, innovation opportunities, and passion projects that will hopefully leave you inspired and empowered to follow your own pathway to impact.

Be inspired by our speakers:

Women’s Health and Gendered Justice
Lanna Last, Co-Founder & CEO, AIMA • September 26 • 1:30PM

Empowering Communities Through Indigenous Languages
David Sigrist, Co-Founder & CEO, Immersio  September 27 • 11:45AM

Adapting to Change, Historic Business Pivots Across Turtle Island
Nathan Grandjambe, Senior Manager of Indigenous Economic Prosperity, Vancouver Economic Commission • September 27 • 1:15PM

SCI Climate Futures: Meeting the Challenge of Heatwaves for Our Most Vulnerable
Paul Tubbe, Owner, Phoenix Rising Solutions  September 27 • 1:30PM

See Session Descriptions

Don’t miss our panel discussions

Pitching the Triple Bottom Line: VC Insights on Aligning Profit, People, and Planet
September 26  4:50PM • UBC Robson Square

???? Ka-Hay Law, Partner at TELUS Pollinator Fund for Good
???? Graham Day, Managing Partner at Spring Impact Capital
???? Jotham Chow – Investor at Amplify Capital
????Moderated by Kookai Chaimahawong, Co-Chair, Vancouver Entrepreneurs Forum & Executive Director, Centre for Climate and Business Solutions.

A City in Crisis: Pathways to Addressing Climate and the Public Health Crisis
September 26  2:45PM • UBC Robson Square

???? Christine Boyle, Vancouver City Councillor
???? Dr. Melissa Lem, President, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
????  Chris Tenove, Director, UBC’s Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
???? Moderated by Christie Stephenson, Executive Director, Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics, UBC Sauder School of Business

View Full Agenda

Entrepreneurship Immersion Week is brought to life by the support of dedicated sponsors and collaborators.

Did we miss anything? 
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Be a part of the program! Call for CNS 2024 Annual Conference Session Proposals



Call for CNS 2024 Annual Conference Session Proposals

Proposals are due Friday, October 20, 2023

The deadline to submit your proposals for the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) 2024 Annual Conference is quickly approaching!

The CNS Annual Conference, taking place in Edmonton, Alberta from May 2-4, 2024, is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the field of nutrition and connect with fellow professionals. We are excited to invite proposals for conference sessions that will shape the program of our event. Your insights and expertise can help make this conference a truly enriching experience

CNS encourages symposia that reflects the basic and clinical membership and the incorporation of these perspectives in our sessions. Four underlying themes are reflected in our conference program: biomedical, clinical, regulatory/policy, and community. Further, CNS is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of the Society’s culture, operations, and activities. As such we encourage submissions that include diversity in subject matter, as well as in speakers and moderators.

Types of Conference Sessions

  • Concurrent sessions:  75-minutes in length, which includes a brief introduction, followed by two invited speakers and ideally one short abstract presentation selected by the session chairs from abstract/poster submissions.
  • Plenary sessions:  60-90 minutes. These sessions typically have no competing sessions.
  • Interactive sessions: in the form of panel discussions, “debate” or workshop-style sessions to allow for a focus on important topics of interest and ideally to support increased knowledge translation.
  • Sponsored Satellite Sessions: * New for 2024, Sponsored Satellite Sessions provide opportunities for external groups, such as industry, commodity groups, or other relevant stakeholders, to host a session to showcase research findings and engage in dialogue with a dedicated nutrition science and practice community.  For more information – CLICK HERE. To view the CNS Sponsor Prospectus – CLICK HERE

Preferred session option can be chosen from the list of format options within the submission tool.

NOTE:  CNS may also assign a session to a specific format (i.e., a session submitted as a concurrent may be offered as a plenary). In selecting successful proposals, preference will be given to proposals submitted by CNS members in good standing.

Submit your proposal!



Appel à propositions pour le congrès annuel de 2024 !

Lepropositions doivent être soumises au plus tard vendredi
le 20 octobre, 2023
La Société canadienne de nutrition (SCN) sollicite des propositions de séances qui contribueront à former le programme de notre congrès annuel 2024 qui aura lieu à Edmonton, Alberta, du 2 au 4 mai.
Le succès du congrès de la SCN, année après année, est dû en partie aux efforts des soumissions de ses membres qui traitent des progrès opportuns et d’avant-garde dans les sciences de la nutrition.La SCN encourage les symposiums qui reflètent les membres fondamentaux et cliniques et l’incorporation de ces perspectives dans nos séances. Quatre thèmes sous-jacents sont reflétés dans notre programme de congrès : biomédical, clinique, réglementaire/politique et communautaire. De plus, la SCN s’engage à respecter l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion dans tous les aspects de la culture, des opérations et des activités de la Société. C’est pourquoi nous encourageons les propositions qui intègrent la diversité dans les sujets traités, ainsi que dans les intervenants et les modérateurs.

Types de sessions de la conférence

  • Séances simultanées : ces séances durent 75 minutes et comprennent une brève introduction, suivie de deux orateurs invités et, idéalement, d’une courte présentation de résumé sélectionnée par les présidents de session parmi les soumissions de résumés/affiches. Il y a trois sessions simultanées dans chaque tranche horaire parallèle. *Nouveauté pour 2024 – La SCN explore les possibilités pour les chercheurs postdoctoraux d’exprimer leur intérêt pour la présentation d’un résumé pendant les sessions. Plus de détails seront donnés prochainement.
  • Séances plénières : ces sessions durent généralement de 60 à 90 minutes. Ces sessions n’ont généralement pas de sessions concurrentes.
  • Séances interactives : Ces sessions peuvent prendre la forme de tables rondes, de “débats” ou de sessions de type atelier pour permettre de se concentrer sur des sujets d’intérêt importants et, idéalement, de favoriser l’application des connaissances.
  • Séances satellites parrainées : Nouveau pour 2024, les sessions satellites parrainées offrent des opportunités pour les groupes externes, tels que l’industrie, les groupes de produits ou d’autres parties prenantes pertinentes, d’organiser une session pour présenter les résultats de la recherche et engager un dialogue avec une communauté dédiée à la science et à la pratique de la nutrition. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter Andrea Grantham, directrice exécutive de la SCN. Pour consulter le prospectus des sponsors de la SCN, CLIQUEZ ICI. 

L’option de séances préférée peut être choisie à partir de la liste des options de format dans l’outil de soumission. Notez que la SCN peut également assigner une séance à un format spécifique (par exemple, une séance soumise en tant que séance simultanée peut être proposée en tant que séance plénière).

Comment soumettre une demande

Les propositions doivent être soumises en utilisant le portail de soumission des séances de la SCN.

Soumettez votre proposition!