Call for Applications, 2018 Ivarson Soils Scholarship


Canadian Foundation for Food and Agricultural Education

Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Scholarship

for graduate students in soil

and related sciences

The Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship provides financial support to a student entering the second or subsequent year of graduate studies in soil science (in the areas of agriculture, environment, geology, agro-ecology or other related disciplines) at a Canadian university. Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Residence status in Canada and be enrolled in their graduate program for at least one semester beyond the application deadline.

One scholarship of $2,000 will be offered in 2018.

Scholarships are awarded on the following basis, but not necessarily placed in order of importance:
1. Academic achievement
2. Areas of study
3. Leadership
4. Career interests
5. References

This scholarship was created by Dr. Karl C. Ivarson through a gift to the Canadian Foundation for Food and Agricultural Education. 2018 Application Guidelines and Application Form can be found at

Deadline for Application – May 25, 2018


GPS Event: Ethics of Changemaking + Careers in Entrepreneurship & Mitacs workshops@Robson square


Registration is now open for:

Ethics of Changemaking: Learn Strategies for Ethical Community Engagement

Thu, April 26 | 3 – 5 PM @Thea Koerner House

For details and to register, visit:


Health and People (PhDs Go Public Series)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 5:30-7:00 PM

Location: Lecture Hall, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health

For details and to register, visit:


Graduate Career Exploration Series: Careers in Entrepreneurship
Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 5:30-7:00 PM

Location: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

Details and registration:


Check out for other opportunities including:

Job Opportunities at CGG (Geoscience company) for PhDs/Masters in Technical-related or Engineering Disciplines |

Mitacs spring workshops @ Robson square (proj mgmt., professionalism, entrepreneurship etc)

NVivo Workshop, Apr 17 |

Become the G+PS Senior Recruitment Ambassador, apply by Apr 19 |

Grad Students in Teaching Mini-Conference, May 1&2 |

Open Scholarship In Practice workshops, May 2 |


Thank you,


Jacqui Brinkman
Manager, Graduate Pathways to Success Program
Office of the Dean | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
170 – 6371 Crescent Road | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 827 4578 | Fax 604 822 5802 | @ubcgradschool