Thesis Defense – FOOD – MSc – Anestis Marios Tzanidis


UBC – Faculty of Land and Food Systems Announces

The Oral Examination for the Degree of Master of Science (Food Science)

Anestis Marios Tzanidis

Prevalence and Characterization of Campylobacter Isolated from Chicken Products
in Metro Vancouver “

Thursday, December 12th, 2019 at 2:30pm
Room 300, FNH Bldg. 


Chair: Dr. M. Isman 

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. X. Lu – Supervisor
Dr. P. Delaquis – Committee member
Dr. S.G. Hatzikiriakos – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. X. Lu – Supervisor
Dr. S.G. Hatzikiriakos – Committee member
Dr. V. Measday – External examiner

Everyone is welcome!

BCFT Winter Social Event on Dec 19


2019 BCFT Winter Social & Polar Mug Workshop

Chill out with your festive friends at 4Cats Richmond & create the mug on everybody’s wishlist this holiday season. This year we will be having appetizers and drinks at Legends’ Pub and Restaurant followed by a guided workshop where you will make a polar bear mug that will keep you warm all winter long! No previous art skills needed. All welcome!

When: Thursday December 19, 2019

Where: Legends’ Pub, 9031 Blundell Rd, Richmond

4Cats Richmond, 9100 Blundell Rd Unit 350, Richmond

(These two locations are close by)


5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Welcome and appetizers at Legends’ Pub & Restaurant

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Dinner

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Polar mug workshop at 4Cats Richmond

Please be reminded:

If you are only interested in one portion of the evening, please note in the registration.

More info about this workshop:

About the restaurant:

Registration link:


Thesis Defense – SOIL – PhD – Dixi Modi


UBC – Faculty of Land and Food Systems Announces

The Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (SOIL Science)

Dixi Modi

The Effects of Stumping and Tree Species Composition on the
Soil Microbial Communities in the Interior Cedar Hemlock Zone, British Columbia

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019 at 9:00 am
Room 203, Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road).


Chair: Dr. L. Marshall 

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. S. Simard – Supervisor
Dr. L. Lavkulich – Co Supervisor
Dr. R. Hamelin  – Committee member
Dr. S. Grayston – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. S. Simard – Supervisor
Dr. L. Lavkulich – Co Supervisor
Dr. R. Hamelin  – Committee member
Dr. C. Chanway – University examiner
Dr. P. J. Keeling – University examiner


Everyone is welcome

Executive programs in California – New Deadline December 15th


Applicants are supported by an extensive scholarship program, covering up to 70% of the expenses of the chosen program. We also provide all the support both before, giving orientation about visa, transfers and accommodations, and during the trip, when assistant professors are on site and coordinating the mandatory and optional visits.

The first step in order to apply for a scholarship is to fill out and submit the Application Form not later than December 15th, 2019, along with a resumé and Enrollment Status letter issued by the university.

I’m happy to share the Brochure with you.

There are a limited number of scholarships available. The evaluation of the application takes about one week, considering curriculum analysis. After that, the place will be available for one week for the completion of the enrollment process.

If there is a better person to speak with about these opportunities at your institution, I would be grateful if you were able to put me in touch with him or her.

Best regards,

Prof. Ricardo Britto, PhD
Scholarship Coordinator


Dear Student,

We wish to communicate to all students the opportunity to apply for Executive short-term programs, organized by Professor Ricardo Pitelli Britto and held at California State University, Northridge and University of La Verne.

In addition to partial scholarships that covers 70% of the programs’ costs, we provide significant student support both before and during trips: background readings, logistical assistance, visa help, and more. Our mission is to encourage cross-cultural cooperation and make international study experience as accessible as possible.

Designed to take place during vacations, our three-week programs are held in January and July, the courses include company visits, interviews with executives, lectures, seminars, group presentations and business simulations.

Interested candidates should contact the program assistant here.

The deadline to apply is December 15th, 2019.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Prof. Ricardo Britto, PhD
Scholarship Coordinator

Book a one-on-one consult with a Grad Expert this December


Below you will find a very short, but sweet, UBC Library Research Commons newsletter for December. Our workshops end this week, however, this makes the perfect time for your students to book one-on-one consults with our Graduate Experts! Please encourage them to do so if you can.

Here is the link to the newsletter, if it is easier to share that way:

Since you won’t hear from me again until 2020, I wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Hopefully balanced and happy! Thank you for all you have done this year to help us share our news at the Research Commons. We sincerely appreciate it!

Warm regards,

Sarah Blay (she, her, hers)
Program Coordinator | UBC Library Research Commons
Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory

Walter C. Koerner Library | 455-1958 Main Mall | V6T 1Z2