Apply to Join the UBC COP29 Delegation


The 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP29) summit is taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, 2024.


Each year UBC receives a limited number of observer badges for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP) negotiation space, known as the Blue Zone.  


Applications for UBC’s delegation at COP29 is now open and closes on July 1, 2024.


Selected undergraduate students are eligible for up to $1500 and selected graduate students are eligible for up to $1000 to cover travel and accommodations.


Find out more and apply today at

Review of the graduate student space


Dear graduate students,

Hello! We hope everyone are enjoying the summer. The graduate student space desk assignment proposal has been adopted for almost 2 years and it is time to perform another quick review of how this arrangement has worked for you.

Just a quick recap, the proposal basically assigns desks to each PI proportionally to their student enrollment, in hope to offer flexibility of desk use while encouraging sharing of limited resources.

We would love to hear your feedback so will greatly appreciate if you could spend some time to fill out the below survey. You can either click on the link below or scan the QR code to partake. We’ve also sent out a separate survey to your PIs to collect their valuable feedback as well.

We also continue to offer ways for PIs and students to provide feedback in these graduate student shared spaces. We have included them below for your reference.

  • LFS Open Feedback Channel (Anonymous) continues to be available:

  • Any concerns/feedback can also be sent to:

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate a better and more efficient use of limited graduate student space.


Imelda Cheung


Imelda Cheung
Education and Research Support Technician
Food, Nutrition and Health Program

Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
230D – 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 827 0344

4th Student Farm Global Symposium – Farming Around the World


I wanted to highlight this opportunity for any students you think would be interested. Both grad students and undergraduates present and participate. They don’t need to be directly involved on a student farm – they can talk about any projects they’re involved in. Topics are wide ranging and this year’s focus on ‘Community’ could be especially interesting to your team(s). Presentations are usually short – just 5 or 10 min, so it can be a great chance for students to get experience sharing their work and thinking.

The date is 6/22, roughly 9-11am PST.

I have cc’d Anca Barcu, a grad student organizing things on Davis’s side of things. There are partners in Morocco, Brazil, Costa Rica and more. Am happy to answer questions that come to mind!

Register here:

With appreciation,


Doctoral Deadlines for Fall Graduation


Attention: Doctoral students!

Happy June!

I know there are some special circumstances for applying for Fall Graduation, please encourage your students to apply now!

The following deadlines will still apply for PhD candidates who aim to defend later in August or in September, heading for completion in time for Fall Graduation.

The deadline for submission of Nominations for External Examiner for PhD candidates wanting to complete on the timeline for Fall Graduation was Friday, May 31. While this is a slightly flexible deadline, forms should really be in by Monday June 10, to avoid potential delays.

Please note, these are the deadlines for candidates who want to complete their program by the deadline for Fall graduation.

As a reminder, the other dates candidates need to meet are as follows:

FRIDAY, 26 JULY 2024 – Doctoral dissertation (and supporting documentation) submitted to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for external examination.

FRIDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER 2024 – Last Day for Final Doctoral Oral Examination.

FRIDAY, 18  OCTOBER 2024 – Acceptance of final, approved doctoral dissertation by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Students will be able to choose to defend either in person or on Zoom. We will work with students to select the most appropriate mode for their defence.

Student contact information – important update

The Doctoral Exams internal system was connected to Workday student last week. Doctoral exams student name and contact information is now synced to Workday. As a result, we have noticed a lot of discrepancies between students’ “HOME” email listed in Workday and the emails they are more frequently using to communicate. Please ask all your doctoral students to check their name details and email contacts in Workday, and change them to preferred addresses if they have not done so. Doctoral Exams team is working on reaching out to students where we see a discrepancy, but they will need to update the email address themselves.

Please distribute this email to any faculty or students you think may be interested.



Robyn Starkey (Pronouns: No Preference)
Doctoral Exams Coordinator
Office of the Dean | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
The University of British Columbia 170 – 6371 Crescent Road | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 822 3989 |

The UBC Vancouver campus is situated within the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam).



UBC -LFS Announces The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Master of Science

Morgan Hamilton

Effects of a Low Soil Biochar Application Rate on Nutrient Dynamics in a Coarse Textured Agricultural Soil”

Friday, June 7th, 2024 – 9:30 AM

Exam Location: MCML 350




Chair: Dr. L. Lavkulich

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. J. Cornelis – Co-Supervisor
Dr. M Krzic – Co-Supervisor
Dr. M Johnson – Committee Member                                                                                                      Dr. S. Bittman – Committee Member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. J. Cornelis – Co-Supervisor
Dr. M. Krzic – Co-Supervisor                                                                                                                    Dr. M. Johnson – Committee Member                                                                                                    Dr. S. Day – External Examiner