Info Session on ISCI 361(Systems and Sustainability in Iceland): Oct. 20th, 2016

Are you interested in learning more about ISCI 361, a course that covers the Systems and Sustainability in Iceland? If yes, applications are now open on the Go Global website for an amazing opportunity to travel to Iceland May 1-17 for ISCI 361. If you are interested in joining please apply early!

We will be holding an Info Session for the course on Thursday, Oct 20th at 12:30pm in LSK 464.

Info about the course: You can also view more information on facebook here.

Photos from last year:



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WCVM Presentation to UBC Pre-Vet Students: October 24th, 2016

Are you interested in becoming a vet?

If yes, the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) from the University of Saskatchewan will be giving a presentation on the admission requirements and processes for those interested in veterinary medicine at the WCVM.

When: Monday, October 24th at 5:30pm

Where: Henry Angus Building (ANGU) in Room 296.

Anyone is welcome to the information session!

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2017 UBC Farm Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture – application deadline Oct 17

The 2017 UBC Farm Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture – APPLY NOW! Receive up to 9 APBI credits.

Have you ever dreamed of having your own small farm, a small cottage, fresh eggs from your chickens, growing, healthy organic vegetables and fruits? If so, then maybe it’s time to stop dreaming, and take action! Make your dream a reality by enrolling in the 2017 UBC Farm Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture. As a UBC student, you’d also have the option to receive up to 9 credits through APBI.

Situated within the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the UBC Farm, within the faculty of Land and Food Systems, the UBC Farm Practicum is an eight-month (part-time, March-October), experiential-learning program, designed for aspiring farmers, urban gardeners, environmental educators, and students with an interest in applying their learning about sustainable agriculture and food systems. Participants gain a deeper understanding of agricultural management and small-scale farming, and a network of incredible people to support them along the way. The main approach to learning within the program is hands-on practice. Participants carry out seasonal farming activities with leadership provided by UBC Farm staff in the greenhouses, gardens, fields, orchards, and at our farmers’ markets. The program includes numerous guest speakers, including several UBC professors, and field trips to various farming operations within the province.

The UBC Farm is a 24-hectare gem, the largest urban farm in Vancouver, British Columbia, and situated on a site with numerous research, educational, and community outreach activities. Please see UBC Farm Practicum website for detailed information:

Application deadline is: October 17th, 2016; apply online here.

Please note: You do not have to be a UBC student or post-secondary student.

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Feeding 9 Billion Challenge LFS|US & Engineers without Borders – deadline Nov 3

By 2050, the world will have to feed 9 billion people – and the ways to achieve this begin with you!
The Feeding 9 Billion Challenge, hosted by LFS|US and Engineers Without Borders, is back! This is a fantastic event to collaborate with students from all disciplines at UBC, as you work in teams to create sustainable solutions to food security issues. Participants have 18 hours to brainstorm and plan their proposals before presenting their projects to the judges’ panel. During that time, your team will be mentored by UBC professors to help develop your ideas.

The winning teams will receive cash prizes to bring their proposals to life!
First Place: $750
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $250

The Feeding 9 Billion Challenge is running from 12:00 PM November 11th to 12:00 PM November 12th, at the Engineering Student Centre. Tier 1 tickets are only $5.00 – which includes 3 awesome meals and plenty of snacks and coffee!

For more information, visit the Facebook Page or LFS|US website.
You can also email the coordinators Lily and Brenna with any questions at

Deadline to register is November 3, 2016. Make sure to sign up before spots run out!

Register here.

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December 2016 Exam Schedule (without locations) is now available!

The December 2016 Exam Schedule (without locations) is now available on the UBC Students website. You can also find your own personalized exam schedule on your SSC.

Please make sure that you check your schedule every so often, as dates/times are subject to change.

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UBC Reads Sustainability presents Simran Sethi | Nov 10, 2016

UBC Reads Sustainability presents Simran Sethi

Thursday November 10

12:00pm – 2:00pm

Jack Poole Hall, UBC Alumni Centre

6163 University Boulevard

UBC Vancouver Campus

Join Simran Sethi for this UBC Reads Sustainability talk to find out more about the loss of agricultural biodiversity, efforts to conserve endangered foods and ways we can help save the foods we love. Simran Sethi has spent close to five years meeting tireless, courageous and innovative people dedicated to making our food supply secure, abundant and more delicious. She has travelled across six continents to interview more than 200 scientists, farmers, chefs, bakers, winemakers, beer brewers, coffee roasters, chocolate connoisseurs, conservationists, religious leaders, and advocates and experts of all types to learn the intimate stories of our foods and ways we can better save—and savour—them.

Tickets $5/students $10/general


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Engineers without Borders: Junior Fellowship Program – deadline Oct 14, 2016

Are you interested in bringing about systemic change? Do you want to build a more equal and sustainable world? Engineers without Border’s Junior Fellows work at the intersection of poverty, systemic change, innovation, and education – gaining unique experience and valuable insight on development and systemic change. The Junior Fellowship Program is designed to go beyond a traditional internship or leadership program. The Fellowship begins in Canada with six months of preparation, followed by four months of individually leading change with one of EWB’s Ventures in Canada or in Africa. Upon completing their work placements, Fellows continue their engagement with eight months of leadership in their communities across Canada. Junior Fellows are humble and mature problem-solvers, excited to promote learning about systemic change, and with an existing understanding of complexity, social justice and development.

Applications are due Oct 14 and you can apply via

For more information, visit here or email.



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Learn About Food Supply Chain Careers – Oct 13, 2016

From farm to fork, there are many steps that food goes through before reaching the final consumer. With a growing population, it’s increasingly important to ensure the processes are both efficient and safe. And it takes many people to make that happen! Join the UBC Supply Chain Management Club to learn about careers along the food (supply) chain.

Three speakers will each give a presentation followed by Q&A; plus, one of them is a UBC LFS alumna now working in supply chain traceability!

Event Name: Spotlight Series- Restaurant Industry
Date: Thursday, October 13
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm, 5:45pm student check in
Location: Henry Angus, Room 037
Featured Companies: Boston Pizza, Gordon Food Service, Ministry of Agriculture

For event details, click here.

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UBC Global Health Conference | Oct 14-15, 2016

The Global Health Conference at UBC is back! We invite you to join us on October 14th and 15th at the Life Sciences Centre to become inspired and explore the nuances of socioeconomic disparities in health care, learn about traditional medicine and types of health care systems, discuss issues related to reproductive rights, and other global health issues.

This year’s conference includes talks by four keynote speakers, a show debate, workshops, a panel, highlighted projects and an innovation jam. For further information about the conference, please visit our website and like our Facebook page.

There are a limited number of seats so get your tickets early! You can register for the conference by clicking here.

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Careers with Agriculture Canada Info Session – Oct 11, 2016

Consider a career with Agriculture Canada!

In 2014, the agriculture and agri-food system generated $108.2 billion, accounting for 6.6% of Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The agriculture and agri-food system also provided one in eight jobs in Canada in 2014. Come and find out what this means for you! Is there a position with the government in your future?

Dr. Joyce Boye from Agriculture Canada will be giving 2 talks for undergrad and graduate students considering a career with Agriculture Canada. Come see what the future of Agriculture Canada is and how you can contribute!

MSL 102 (Michael Smith Lab Lecture Theatre)
Tues Oct 11, 2016
1:30pm –  Graduate Students
3:30pm – Undergraduate Students

For event details:

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