After many months of organizing, reformatting and categorizing all the maps I have ever made, my new portfolio is now online! The full collection of maps is available under the Portfolio tab of this site but read on below to learn more.
I considered creating groups based on geographic scale (local, regional, national etc.) or map type (choropleth,proportional symbols, interactive etc.) but in the end I decided to categorize my maps into the following project types:
- Human Early Learning Partnership Maps – Projects I have completed over my four years of employment at UBC.
- Contract Maps – Projects I have completed independently for paid contract projects.
- Poster Designs – Integration of my own research and layout/design work.
- Experimental – Independent projects I have completed for fun and to learn new skills.
- Academic – Work I completed during my undergraduate years.
I also experimented with various formats for displaying these new collections but I am very happy with the excellent features of Google+ Photo Galleries combined with some custom tricks to embed slideshows and gallery links into this site. Each of these categories are shown using automatic slideshows that look like this:
Human Early Learning Partnership Maps
Additionally, if you would like to review all maps in a gallery, you can click on the link below each slideshow to launch the Google+ Album that looks like this:
View live gallery of all Human Early Learning Partnership maps
I look forward to your feedback on this portfolio or individual maps using the comment box below or by posting directly on Google+. I would also love to hear about your experiences creating your own portfolio and any ideas you have for me to improve the user experience on this site. You can also subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed to receive future portfolio updates and other mapping and data visualization updates.
If you would like to hire me to make maps or do some other type of data analysis for you, I welcome you to browse the collaboration tab of this site.
Thanks for visiting!
Your maps are awesome! Lots of inspiration for my cartography.