TED and Me

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Archive for the ‘storyboards’ tag

Donald Duck dreams a remix and Creative Commons

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I’ve been working on a remix for a MET assignment and am starting to think of the power involved in using this tool in education. As I contructed my remix, I became more involved with the subject of the remix, the bits and pieces that I was using to create my digital collage.

Assuming that a teacher has some video editing knowledge and the resources to edit video, I can see numerous possibilities for student-centered learning to occur. Take a project-based approach to learning, for example. The end product is the remix. The process of learning is the gathering of knowledge, identifying key points, finding material to place in the remix, collaborating to create a storyboard and narrative, cutting and pasting, editing of the remix, and making the final product, and then encouraging peer-to-peer feedback, and so on.

If interested, below is my first attempt at making a remix:

Donald Duck dreams a remix and Creative Commons

This is a re-imagined Donald Duck cartoon remix constructed using Jonathan McIntosh’s remix Right Wing Radio Duck (http://www.rebelliouspixels.com).

The video is part of a UBC MET ETEC531 (http://met.ubc.ca/met_courses/descripti­ons/etec531.htm) assigned task showing how changes are underfoot regarding digital aethetics. My hope is that the various dialogue, text, and animation narrate how art, creativity, and culture rely on the past to exist, and that technology enframes how they are created, used, and reused in the future. For example, some technologies are controlling (such as TV or Radio), empowering the creators or owners of an object. Meanwhile new media allow for a freer outcome (such as the remix), where the art or culture is less bound by a creator. I also attempt to show a part of what remix culture is, some of the issues inolved, such as copyright issues, and how Creative Commons plays a role in digital aesthetics, maintaining, if desired, some of the control older media had .

Written by seanmcminn

October 23rd, 2010 at 5:41 pm

My Audacity in the classroom

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I’ve been working with Audacity for some time in the classroom and the ToolKit exercise for ETEC565 was very straight forward. Simply put: Audacity is great for educational purposes. See here for a brief description of Audacity in Education.

Prior to ETEC565, I have been using Audacity in an ESL course where students must create episodes for our university student podcast magazine. I show students how to use the program for creating professional audio content, but I also show them how they can use it to reflect on their own language use, whether for pronunciation, stress, intonation, or even word choice.  By displaying how Audacity can operate in a similar way as MS Word (i.e. cut and paste words), I found that students pick up the program very quickly.

I’m experimenting with Audacity again.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I have been playing around with goanimate.com, a very easy to use animation application. During a summer course I’m teaching right now, I’m asking students to write creative stories (short plays) that deal with a common English language problem for Chinese speakers. They must record their stories using Audacity and add an audio component to their animation that they’ve created.

I’m finding that the combination of students creating a visual product (animation, plus text in speech bubbles) and producing a corresponding audio creates an engaging environment. My hope is that as they produce the text, audio, and animation they are constantly reflecting and learning the language – and in a fun way! We shall soon see.

Written by seanmcminn

July 23rd, 2009 at 9:39 pm

Digitally storytelling the possibilities!

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In ETEC565, we were asked to:

Select one of the web 2.0 tools from the ones listed on the page (or others that you know of if you want), and create a short media piece that tells a story.  You can tell a story about yourself or about some issue.  You can also use the tool to tell a story that could be used in your classroom in relation to an activity or part of your curriculum.  You choose.

I chose goanimate.com to tell my story. You can read more about why here.

I also said in an earlier post that I would comment a little on Jenkin’s book. I’m about halfway through and i think that it’s been a very informative read Here are just a couple of points from the bookthat I’d like to highlight (I also talk about this on my digital story page).

Jenkins identifies four activities youth should develop skills in, especially in today’s media changing word:

  • Affilitations: Memberships, formal and informal in online communities centered around various forms of media, such as Friendter, Facebook, metagaming, etc.
  • Expressions: Producing new creative forms such as digital sampling, skinning and modding, fan videos, fan fiction, ones, or mash-ups.
  • Collaborative problem-solving: Working together in teams — formal and informal — to complete tasks and develop new knowledge, such as through Wikipedia, alternative reality gaming, or spoiling.
  • Circulations: Shaping the flow of media, such as podcasting or blogging.

I believe goanimate.com offers students a chance to develop these skills. However, Jenkins makes a good point that in order for activities to work, and to create an effective participatory culture, cultures (that is educational, national, etc.) must support them (2009); the curriculum must recognize and support these types of technologies and activities. Jenkins also says: “inter-activity is a property of the technology, while participation is the property of culture”. I think that that is an important point to remember.

Jenkins also identifies and discusses three problems:

  • the participation gap (similar, but not identical to the digital divide)
  • the transparency problem (do youth have deeper understanding of hoe media shapes their perception of the world)
  • the ethics challenge (i.e. copyright issues)

Written by seanmcminn

July 18th, 2009 at 1:38 am

Go animate part 2

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In honour of my classmates …

GoAnimate.com: ETEC Life form discovered! by smcminn

I’ll write more about what I think about the pedagogical values of goanimate and similar tools soon.

SIDE NOTE: I just bought the book Confronting the Challenges of Particpatroy Culutre by Henry Jenkins. So far it’s a great read! (I’ll comment more after I’ve read a bit more.)

Written by seanmcminn

July 17th, 2009 at 12:07 am

Go animate!

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I’ve been playing around with some Web 2.0 applications. I created this animation using www.goanimate.com. I’m thinking of having students use this tool to create storyboards, which, I think, has a lot of pedagogical value. Have a look and let me know what you think.

GoAnimate.com: frightened vs frightening by smcminn

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It’s free and fun!

Written by seanmcminn

July 15th, 2009 at 11:40 pm

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