Mechanical Engineering 2020
Thermofluids Option
A little bit about me…
I am an international student who first visited UBC just before Jumpstart kicked off, three weeks before the first day of first year. From the beginning I was set on joining the thermofluids specialization offered by the Mechanical Engineering department. Three years have passed and I am proud to be a part of this specialization. As for the future, I am going on a Coop year before completing my last year and graduating in 2020.
I wish I had known before I came…
Office hours are really helpful and professors are always happy to help. At first I was intimidated by them, but I learned there is no dumb question and getting help from the best makes a big difference on your final grade.
I chose mechanical engineering because…
Allow me to rephrase to “Why thermofluids?”
I’ve always been passionate about the aeronautics industry and this degree acts as a launch pad to work with Boeing, General Electric, Airbus or others. Although I started at UBC dead set on working with planes, I’ve come to realize after three years of Mechanical Engineering that the clean energy sector fascinates me as well. This sector is very important for the future of the planet and urgently needs to explode if the temperature rise goals of the Paris agreement are to be met by 2050.
But back to reality: I am still just a student desperately looking for a coop placement this fall.
Mechanical engineering at UBC in one word…
What I like best about my program…
Is the amount of resources students have to succeed and how professors, TA’s, staff and peers form a close-knit community that supports its members when in need.
Outside of the classroom, I am involved with…
SUBc, the human-powered submarine team, as part of the propellers sub-team.
Favourite moment/memory so far…
Working with my teammates in the design courses I’ve completed. I have been lucky to work with hard-working people that became close friends. I have many memories of laughing and having a good time while working all night desperately trying to make our prototypes work.