Rachel Kong

Mechanical Engineering 2025
General Option

A little bit about me…
Hi, I’m Rachel! I’m currently in my fifth year and final year of mechanical engineering. Outside of UBC, I spend my time staying active through going to the gym, biking, and playing sports (ringette, pickleball, snowboarding, and skiing). I also enjoy making pottery, reading, and trying new food.

I wish I had known before I came…
I wish I knew how to make peace with and understand imposter syndrome. It’s easy to feel like you don’t belong in MECH surrounded by so many talented and impressive peers. It took time and personal growth for me to overcome it and feel proud of what I’ve accomplished.

I chose mechanical engineering because…
I love bringing creativity to solutions that make things easier, and dynamic, physical systems fascinate me! Since I didn’t know specifically what industry interested me, the breadth of learning and opportunity in MECH assured me that I would have a diverse skillset applicable to whatever I decided on.

Mechanical engineering at UBC in one word…

What I like best about my program…
I really enjoyed the program’s dedication to learning through doing. As someone who didn’t grow up working with tools and fixing things, I felt behind in my technical skillset. From the beginning in MECH 2, I had the most fun in the machining module; it felt like real world learning and catching up to some of my peers. There are so many opportunities available to further your learning outside of class in MECH!

Outside of the classroom, I am involved with…
I’ve previously worked with UBC Concrete Toboggan and UBC Sailbot, but I’m currently focusing on personal projects and balancing my life outside of UBC with classes.

Favourite moment/memory so far…
As a commuter student, sometimes it’s hard to feel involved in the community at UBC. Some of my favourite memories are made staying on campus until late at night working on projects or competitions with friends.