Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

ALN Web Center – Learning Networks Effectiveness Research

I ran across the ALN Web Center, Learning Effectiveness Research site today. They have assembled quite a resource community here. Once registered (for free), you have access to research articles posted by the community, with an opportunity to comment and … Continue reading

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List of Links for Lecture

For EOSC 311: Metal Deposits 1: Copper and Iron BC Mineral Deposits Geology of Strathcona Park – Good overview of the park, including the geology, mining, environment… etc. Link Map of Silver Deposits in British Columbia Porphyry Copper Nice animation … Continue reading

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WebCT Vista and SCORM: press release

Just a follow up to the posting of yesterday on WebCT Vista 2.1 and SCORM LMS-RTE3 — WebCT has issued a press release about the certification from Plugfest. What I found interesting is the teaser about their direction of compliance … Continue reading

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WebCT Vista 2.1 now a SCORM certified product

WebCT Vista 2.1 is now listed as SCORM certified (LMS-RTE3) on the ADL web site. See

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October E-Strategy Newsletter

Another excellent crop of stories appear in this month’s E-Strategy Update Newsletter. In collaboration with a diverse group of people acorss UBC, Krista Charbonneau (editor of the newletter), has pulled together stories that relfect ongoing activity at UBC. Included in … Continue reading

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Vancouver – o-pan-o-rama O’History -> oh my!

This is WAY more cool than cool. Check out the panoramas at the The Changing City – 1978 and Now site. Make sure that you scroll right as the picture fades from left to right. Not only are these amazing … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

Digital Games Paper

From NAWeb comes a paper from Bonita Bray and Bob Boufford entitled, Having Fun: Using Games in CMS training workshops. Bonita and Bob have been conducting workshops with a Games flavour for several years now — always entertaining and quite … Continue reading

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UK Learner Profile work progressing ahead

The CETIS article of Oct 10, “UK Learner Profile components to form core of European standard” points to what I think is going to be a really important document (PDF, 122 KB) for the e-portfolio, and most likely, the course … Continue reading

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Big Hair, Big Homes & Big Deals

Well, here I am in Dallas… and no lie, the hotel brochure dubs Dallas the land of “…big hair, big homes and big deals”. Funny — I have seen quite a few big homes and even bigger highways… but luckily … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

A cool tool — needing some updating

Blast from the past: The picture above is two views of a VRML (Virtual Reality Model Language) file representing a gastropod (OK, snail)…. If you look at a number of shells – nautoloids, gastropods (snails), pelecypods (clams) — have a … Continue reading

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