


February 2011

Archive for February, 2011

Assessment in Science and Beyond

Monday, February 28th, 2011

My students and I had a very interesting discussion in class today. As they are working on science unit planning, they are asked to submit an assignment where they focus on how they will assess student learning. We discuss three kinds of assessment with them – Assessment FOR Learning (formative assessment done by the teacher), […]

Science Education in Japan

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Last night I have a very special opportunity to meet a colleague from Japan Prof. Dr. Masaki Matsukawa. Prof. Matsukawa is an Earth Scientist who is now involved in creating Science Education Opportunities for Japanese Science Teachers. From my short interaction with Prof. Matsukawa, I learned a lot of interesting things about Japanese teachers. For […]

Data Collection in Middle School Science

Friday, February 25th, 2011

As I am preparing my Monday science methods lesson for my pre-service elementary teachers, I keep thinking of how to persuade them that computerized data collection and analysis has its place in the elementary science classroom. One of the big issues I have to address is the dire situation with science equipment in our elementary […]


Thursday, February 24th, 2011

If you are like me, for you one picture will be worth thousands words. Visualization helps me a lot to grasp and idea or a concept. It also helps me see a bigger picture. That is where Wordle might be handy. Wordle helps you visualize text by generating “Word clouds” from the text that you […]

Amazing Skies in Vancouver

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Although I wasn’t able to capture the beauty of what I saw a few days ago, it will give you some idea… Nature provides us many ways of bringing amazing personal connections into a science classroom… I have to learn how to take photos of skies. A student of mine shared a few tips with […]

Eric Mazur on Education and Educators

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

URL: Share: A Harvard Physics Professor – Dr. Eric Mazur has been a role model for me and many of my colleagues. If I think of a person who has made a difference in how we teach physics, Eric Mazur would be this person. He is one of the leading physicts in the field […]

Otto von Guericke Would Have Been Proud

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

I visited a local elementary school today and we were able to recreate “an original air pressure experiment” performed by Otto von Guericke in Magdeburg in 1650. We used Pressure Pullers from Educational Innovations. It is interesting, how quickly the tools people invent open possibilities for exploration. Von Guericke invented an air pump and he […]

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