Opening Enrico Fermi’s Time Capsule: 62 years later
I feel very fortunate to get to know Olivia Fermi who is a very interesting person in her own right (Olivia is an artist), but in addition to that she is also a granddaughter of a famous physicist America-Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. Enrico Fermi took an active part in the Manhattan Project and has been one of the most prominent physicists of the 20th century. Olivia created a very interesting blog about Enrico’s work, call On The Neutron Trail as slow neutrons played a crucial role of Fermi’s discovery of nuclear fission. I follow Olivia’s blog and recommend you to do the same. A few days ago Olivia, together with her family members and a number of world-renowned scientists from the University of Chicago where Enrico worked had an honour to open a time capsule he put there in 1949. Once again, Olivia shared with us what Enrico Fermi put in his time capsule more than 60 years ago in her On The Neutron Trail, specifically: Before watching, take a moment to guess what Enrico put in the time capsule. And what would you put in a time capsule to be open 60 years later? Remember, he buried it in 1949… Four years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the first decade of the Cold War and 4 years before Fermi passed away.