UBC Faculty of Education Mathematics and Science Fair 2011
I haven’t been contributing consistently to my blog this term, as I have been very busy. However, today I have to report that I think I have a good excuse for being silent. On Saturday November 5, 2011 we (our Education Student-Teachers, graduate students, faculty and staff) at the Faculty of Education held our second annual Mathematics and Science Fair. We had more than 200 (I think around 230) guests who came to our labs. This year we changed the format by having more than 30 different mathematics and science stations that the guests could visit during the span of almost 3 hours. The labs (we had 4 labs open for the guests) were busy all along the way. However, the most exciting thing about this event was the participation of the student-teachers. This was just phenomenal. We had more than 40 volunteers and the stations were buzzing. At the end of the Fair I received requests from student-teachers to have an event just for them, so they can learn how all of these demonstrations work. Now we are thinking of a brown-bug demo-exchange lunches. We had so many new ideas coming from the students, faculty, staff. It was really fun. Below you can find the photos, so you can see for yourself:
Report at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy: http://edcp.educ.ubc.ca/community/feature/2011-ubc-faculty-education-mathematics-and-science-fair
November 16th, 2011 at 8:31 am
UBC Math & Science Fair (Nov 5, 2011)…
Learning weekUBC has a learning week at the end of September and the beginning of November. This is for celebrating learning, and many department in UBC has a out……
December 1st, 2011 at 1:27 pm
Science fairs can be a lot of fun.