CAP Congress 2014
I am very fortunate to participate in the Canadian Association of Physicists’ Congress 2014 that is taking part this June in Sudbury, ON. Sudbury is a very special place in Canadian and World science as it is home of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory ( This year the Congress features a number of events dedicated to the Physics Education Research and the issues related to women in physics. They also have a number of events for physics teachers. My presentations are as follows:
1. A special presentation for physics teachers “Teaching Conceptual Physics with Technology: Presentation_CAP_Teachers_2014 and
2. Invited talk “The high cost of science disengagement of Canadian Youth: Reimagining Physics Teacher Education for 21st Century ” CAP2014_InvitedMilnerBolotin
3. Presentation related to our newly published introductory physics textbook CAP Nelson Presentation Leanne MMB