NARST Reflections 2015

The Bean – one of the most interesting sculptures in Chicago. It is located in the Millennium part in down town Chicago. It was originally called “The cloud gate” (it was crated by a British artist Annish Kapoor) but everybody calls it the bean, as it is shaped like one. The amazing thing is that it captures the interconnection of art and technology and it opens a lot of new experiences of us, our surroundings and how we experience the world around us – I love it.
I just came back from attending the NARST Conference in Chicago. It was a great opportunity for me to see what is going on in the world of research on science education. Out of all the talks, I found the plenaries the most interesting. The first one was by Linda Rosen from the organization called “Change the Equation“. This was an extremely interesting session. I was especially intrigued by the stats found on their web site. This organization is fuelled byt the leaders of big corporations who are concerned that the do not have enough qualified work force and they have to invest money and time to train people in basic STEM literacy. Another plenary was a panel of educators from the six continents who spoke about science education challenges in their countries. It was very interesting. It was a great opportunity for me to attend not only to present my own work, but also to learn from the colleagues from all over the world: NARST_2015_Milner-Bolotin2015