September 1st, 2017
Growing up in the family that valued education and having a mother who was a mathematics and science teacher, September 1st has always been a special day for me. In the Soviet Union where I grew up, it marked the beginning of a new academic year – a new adventure. And while I had my ups and downs at school, I liked to study (I still do).

September 1st USSR – vintage photo. We would come with beautiful bouquets for our teachers to thank them for their work.
This is going to be my 40th academic year (sounds strange, but I have been in school in various capacities for 4 decades now).
This year I am especially excited as I am going to teach a new General Science Methods course in addition to my Physics Methods course. In both courses, we will be using new resources we have been working on during the summer. I want to see how this goes!
We also have started planning our 7th UBC Faculty of Education Family Mathematics and Science Day. It will take place on November 4th. I would like to wish all my students, colleagues and their families a successful and productive new academic year! Let 2017-2018 school year begin!