The Half Glass Full of the Current Situation
While it is clear to everybody that a current situation with the COVID-19 is troublesome, we cannot ignore the positive outcomes that came with the necessity of learning how to teach online. For example, in recent months, I took part in many amazing online seminars and workshops that were only possible because now we all are much more open to online meetings, as well as online teaching and learning.
For example, on Saturday, December 5, 2020 my friends at BC Association of Physics Teachers ( and I organized an online seminar where we showed how we can do hands-on activities with simple materials that are dedicated to the upcoming holidays. Almost 30 science educators from all over British Columbia attended our event. It took only a moment to log in and the rest of the day remained opened, while this was a fantastic opportunity to learn and meet new teachers from all across the province. This was a fantastic opportunity where we could learn from each other, become inspired and come up with new ideas for our classrooms.
Moreover, now lots of teachers and students can watch it and do these activities themselves. And this is not the same as watching YouTube video, even the great ones, such as this one below:

To watch our online workshop on the Holiday Physics Activities, please click here.
And to learn more about other opportunities, join the BC Association of Physics Teachers: