


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

More Pearls = More Science Fun

Monday, March 28th, 2011

It was interesting to see how this coin got stuck in “mid-air” – actually it was mid-water… You can do lots of interesting experiments with this simple equipment.

Canadian Teens Do Not Like Science or Do They?

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Today a Newsletter from the Perimeter Institute happened to cross my desk (I should have said crossed my Desktop). With a great interest I read an article by Dr. Greg Dick who is one of Perimeter Institute Outreach Managers involved in Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Outreach events. In his note, Dr. Dick discusses the […]

Attracting Girls to Physics: A Canadian perspective

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

In a few short days I will be flying to Cape Town, South Africa to attend the 4h International Conference on Women in Physics organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. It is a very special opportunity for me as I was chosen to be a member of the Canadian delegation with […]

Geiger Counter in Action

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Many years ago, I lived in the Ukraine… In  1986 (April 26) Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened and even though we lived 500 km East from the disaster, we were able to detect increased levels of radiation… I was 16 then and I remember how my grandfather brought Geiger Counter home to show me how it […]

A Cool Science Demo for 1 Canadian Dollar

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Being a physics teachers changes you. I think even when you are not teaching, somewhere in the back of your mind, you keep thinking about it. It became apparent to me when I entered a dollar store (a place frequently visited by teachers) and noticed very cool beads. They are sold as handmade 4D Crystal […]

ActiveTextbook: Adding interactivity to your materials

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

Today I had a chance to preview a very interesting software produced by the Evident Point software company right here in Vancouver. The software is called ActiveTextbook. It allows a teacher to convert his or her materials into interactive courses while retaining everything that has been created already. For example, if you have lecture notes […]

Energy Theatre by the Seattle Pacific University PER Group

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

I wanted to put a short comment on the presentation by Dr. Hunter Close from the Seattle Pacific University that I just listened to. Hunter spoke on how they use the idea of kinestetic representation to help middle school teachers to understand the concept of energy. It is part of the Seattle Pacific University Energy […]

Foundations and Frontiers of Science PER Regional Conference

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

I feel very fortunate to be able to attend the Foundations and Frontiers of Physics Education Research Regional Conference organized by our colleagues from the Washington State. The conference has 40 participants from Washington, BC, Oregon, Colorado and Idaho. The goal is to exchange ideas and to see where we can collaborate. Since the number […]

Geiger Counter…

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

I have been planning my last science teaching lesson for tomorrow and decided to use Geiger Counter from Vernier as a model of data collection. it also has a very relevant link to our students today as we all are thinking of the catastrophe in Japan.  Although few people might use it in the elementary […]

International Women’s Day Centenary (1911-2011)

Monday, March 14th, 2011

I know I am a few days late, as the Women’s Day was on March 8, yet it is an interesting link from NSERC… Click here. A recent study by the UBC Faculty Association shows that the issue has not been resolved yet and it is far from being resolved… Lots of problems are still […]

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