


July 2024

Archive for the 'Interactivity in the classroom' Category

Math for Parents and Children

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

  I am very happy about the the workshop I led on Saturday, November 21st as part of UBC Centennial Lecture Series. It was a very engaging event with more than 100 participants. Most importantly, it showed that meaningful activities can engage both parents and children. I hope it will become a tradition.

A Science Educator’s Lament

Thursday, November 19th, 2015

As I have been preparing for my Saturday Mathematics for Parents and Children Workshop, I started thinking again about why it is so important to engage adults and children in meaningful mathematics and science studies. Do we do it to have more scientists and engineers? Do we do it to have a scientifically literate population? Do […]

Special Community Workshop on Overcoming Math Fear: November 21st, 2015

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

To find more about it click here:

New Academic Year – New Beginnings

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

As we are beginning this new academic year, I am thinking of the former Teacher-Candidates and now newly minted science and mathematics teachers who will be entering their classrooms as part-time or full-time teachers for the first year this fall. While I have been teaching for a while now (20+ years), I still remember the […]

Vernier Logger Pro Workshop in Beijing

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

We have had a very exciting day playing with Vernier equipment last Wednesday. We have done 7 experiments with motion detectors, force probes, CO2 sensors, temperature probes, pH sensors, etc. It was very exciting to see the level of engagement of the teachers. During the first hour I introduced them to data collection with Vernier […]

Teaching in BJ – Week 2

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

  I started teaching the second week of my course today. I have enjoyed the day very much as I had a very good interpretor, and I knew much better how to engage students. Today we discussed how to use clickers in the classroom and solved some interesting problems. It is amazing that Chinese teachers […]

How People Learn

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

As I have just started teaching and online summer course ETEC 533, I decided to re-read the book that has been serving as a key reading (one might say the backbone) to the entire course: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. I love it as it is directed to educators who want to […]

Getting ready for Beijing

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

I am honoured to be invited to teach a special two-week professional development course for mathematics and science educators in China (Chaoyang School District in Beijing). I am looking forward to it as I am sure I will learn a lot from our Chinese colleagues. It is going to be my second visit to Beijing […]

Research study on STEM Educators’ attitudes about technology

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

My colleague, Dr. Jungsook Oh and I are collaborating on a research study investigating the mathematics and science educators’ attitudes about technology. In order to collect the date we had to learn about some new (for us) technology as well: a new UBC survey tool – a modern version of SurveyMonkey called SurveyFluid. It is […]

NARST Reflections 2015

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

  I just came back from attending the NARST Conference in Chicago. It was a great opportunity for me to see what is going on in the world of research on science education. Out of all the talks, I found the plenaries the most interesting. The first one was by Linda Rosen from the organization […]

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