


July 2024

Archive for the 'Personal' Category

Educational Technology Tutorials from ETEC 533-S2015 Course

Friday, July 24th, 2015

Once again I have been teaching a graduate summer course for the UBC Master of Education Technology Program. While teaching an online course all summer long is a challenge, teaching this course is always very inspirational. ETEC533 is titled: Technology in mathematics and science classroom. I always learn a lot from this course as the […]

Can scientists afford neglecting science communication?

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

This year I attended a Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress in Edmonton. The meeting made me think once again about the importance of science communication. For example, I attended a number of plenaries and invited talks and some of them were very exciting. For example, Sara Seager from MIT gave a great talk about […]

Becoming an Expert

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

This is a very special certificate for me. I am so glad I decided to take on this challenge. I have learned so much from these teachers and I am looking forward to more interactions with our Chinese colleagues.

Teaching in BJ – Week 2

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

  I started teaching the second week of my course today. I have enjoyed the day very much as I had a very good interpretor, and I knew much better how to engage students. Today we discussed how to use clickers in the classroom and solved some interesting problems. It is amazing that Chinese teachers […]

How People Learn

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

As I have just started teaching and online summer course ETEC 533, I decided to re-read the book that has been serving as a key reading (one might say the backbone) to the entire course: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. I love it as it is directed to educators who want to […]

Asking New Questions in Technology Age

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

While we like to discuss how technology negatively affects our ability to connect with people, I would like to discuss how technology allows us to ask and answer new questions. For example, as we have gotten the results of the new International mathematics and science assessment, we might want to decide to compare different countries. […]

The Imitation Game and Reflection on Teaching…

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Yesterday I had an opportunity to watch a movie “The Imitation Game”. On first glance, the movie is about Alan Turing and how he and a team of brilliant young people were able to crack the Enigma code during WWII. However, it is only an overall impression. While it is obviously a Hollywood movie and […]

Taylor Mali: What do Teachers Make?

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

I would like to share this video. I think it is a very inspirational video, but I also think it is a troubling one. It shows that our society (luckily we are much better in Canada than in the US) does not value teaching enough, as we are not ready not only to pay teachers […]

Toastmasters and Teaching: New Years Resoluions

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

December is often the time when we think of our New Year resolutions. For some of us they stick, while for others, they fade away during the first few weeks of January. In this post, I would like to write about the New Year resolution I made in 2010 – to improve my public speaking […]

Looking forward to teaching an ETEC 533 on-line course

Friday, November 28th, 2014

As our Winter I team is winding down, I have an opportunity to pause and reflect on what I have learned last term. It was a great term with interesting courses, research, publications and conferences. I am also getting ready for teaching my ETEC 533 course – Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom. It […]

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