


July 2024

Archive for the 'Science and society' Category

Nerd Nite Vancouver

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

In three weeks (on January 21st)  I will be speaking at Nerd Nite Vancouver event: In 15 minutes I will have an opportunity to share with the audience ( I think these are people who might not be scientists but who are interested in t) how I see the future of education and how […]

4th Math & Science Family Day a Huge Success

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

Five years ago when I came to UBC to become an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education, I had a dream of engaging our Teacher-Candidates in Mathematics and Science Education in an informal way – I wanted them to experience the excitement of math and science through outreach. I also wanted future elementary teachers […]

The Nature of Science

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

I would like to share a PowerPoint I created for my graduate course on Science Education (EDCP 559). We are going to discuss the issues related to the nature of science and I decided to take a topic of evolution as an example. I chose this topic for today (even though biology is not my […]

My research interview

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

This is a short interview about my research in science education and science teacher education and how I see the role of technology in this process.

4th Mathematics and Science Family Day – November 1st, 2014

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Once again we are getting ready for the Mathematics and Science Family Day. This event has become a tradition in the faculty. It is our fourth time organizing it. This time it became even more important as the dispute between the teachers and the government that presented half a million BC students from starting schools this […]

When Scientists (and science educators) Give Up

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

A few days ago I listened to “The Current” show on CBC radio with a Canadian astronaut and a very prominent figure for many Canadians –  Chris Hadfield . The show was devoted to science education and it raised considerable interest. Chris Hadfield  defined science in the show as a formalized curiosity. I liked that definition – as […]

Science Education in Canada

Friday, September 5th, 2014

As BC teachers’ strike is continuing, I am glad that not everywhere in Canada teaching in general and science education in particular is “under attack”. We need strong voices across Canada that help the general population realize why it is so important to have a strong public education system. I was so excited to see […]

The New School Year Begins

Monday, September 1st, 2014

As this busy summer is coming to an end, I keep thinking of what I have learned during the last three  months and what I would like to achieve in the new year. This summer was exceptionally busy for me: I helped to organize two international conferences (STEM 2014 conference at UBC) and 5th International […]

5th International Women in Physics Conference

Monday, August 11th, 2014

I just came back from attending the 5th International Women in Physics Conference in Waterloo, ON.  The conference was sponsored by IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics). It welcomed 215 attendees from 52 countries all across the world to discuss the issues related to women in physics. We had science talks, presentations about […]

STEM 2014 Conference at UBC: The Countdown

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

  In a few days May will be over and summer will begin! I know, the summer is not going to be officially here till June 21st, but for me, the summer starts on June 1st and ends on August 31st. This year we are planning a very exciting summer filled with STEM (Science, Technology, […]

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