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Archive for the 'Teacher Education' Category

International Women’s Day Centenary (1911-2011)

Monday, March 14th, 2011

I know I am a few days late, as the Women’s Day was on March 8, yet it is an interesting link from NSERC… Click here. A recent study by the UBC Faculty Association shows that the issue has not been resolved yet and it is far from being resolved… Lots of problems are still […]

How a Reactor Shuts Down and What Happens in a Meltdown

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Like many of us, I am trying to follow up on what is happening in Japan. I am so sorry for the people in Japan. What a disaster! It is amazing how well Japan is prepared for it, yet, the forces of nature are unbelievably strong. I have never seen anything as powerful as this […]

The Aha Moment about Asking Science Questions

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Today we had a very interesting discussion in my elementary science methods class. We discussed how conceptual multiple choice questions can be used in an elementary classroom (K-8).  Initially, the students were vehemently opposed to multiple choice questions. Most of them cited the idea that multiple choice questions do not allow students to be creative […]

33rd UBC Physics Olympics

Sunday, March 13th, 2011

On Saturday, March 11, two UBC departments in two different Faculties: Physics and Astronomy (Faculty of Science) and Curriculum and Pedagogy (Faculty of Education) collaborated to host the 33rd UBC Physics Olympics. More than 350 students from 55 schools all across British Columbia took part in the event – some of them came by ferry, […]

An 8.9 Earthquake Shakes Japan… How should we talk about it with the students?

Friday, March 11th, 2011

As a devastating earthquake hit Japan (8.9 on the Richter scale), I would like to express my heartfelt sorrow and concern for the people in affected regions. Many students in Vancouver and all over the world will be affected by it either directly or indirectly. As much as this event is extremely scary (and many […]

Excellence in Elementary Mathematics Teaching: A Case of Mary Holland

Friday, March 11th, 2011

It is an interesting video clip and it is relevant to our elementary teachers too. Notice how one person can make a difference for her students and for the new teachers in her school. Notice, how she describes how poorly the new teachers are prepared and how she helps new teachers with the content, pedagogy […]

Teacher Education Matters: A Study of Middle School Mathematics Teacher Preparation in Six Countries

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Today I happened to stumble across a very interesting new book by the authors of TIMSS Study (Third International Mathematics an Science Study):  Teacher Education Matters A Study of Middle School Mathematics Teacher Preparation in Six Countries by William H. Schmidt, Sigrid Blömeke, and Maria Teresa Tatto, Pub Date: January 2011, 352 pages. In their […]

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