Archive for the 'Technology and learning' Category
Thursday, January 9th, 2014
I just came back from the AAPT Winter 2014 National Meeting. My team presented 4 presentations there: two posters and two contributed talks. Our presentations focused on the use of technology in physics teacher education. One piece of technology we have been focussing on lately is PeerWise. This is a very powerful collaborative tool that […]
Filed under: Conferences, General, General teaching, Interactivity in the classroom, Physics Education, Science Education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on AAPT 2014 Presentations: Spotlight on PeerWise
Sunday, January 5th, 2014
I am very fortunate to attend the winter 2014 Conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers. It gives me an opportunity to stay up with physics education, to learn from my colleagues and to share what we are doing here at UBC with others. I presented today at the session on physics teaching in […]
Filed under: General, Personal, Physics Education, Science Education, Science in everyday life, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on AAPT Winter 2014 Conference
Monday, November 4th, 2013
Filed under: Conferences, General, General teaching, Science Education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on Interview with me about STEM 2014 Conference
Friday, October 18th, 2013
I am very proud to say that I am a member of the Organizing Committee of the STEM 2014 Conference that will be hosted by our Department this Summer. While you can read the information about the conference from its web site, I want to share that we, as organizers, are working very hard to […]
Filed under: Conferences, General, Interactivity in the classroom, Mathematics education, Outreach, Overcoming technology barriers, Physics Education, Science and society, Science Education, Science in everyday life, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, October 15th, 2013
A few weeks ago I received feedback from a colleague on the SSHRC grant I was writing. The person who reviewed my grant (and I am grateful for it) asked me why it even matters that Canada produces its own scientists and engineers instead of importing scientists and engineers from abroad. I (who in someways […]
Filed under: General, Outreach, Physics Education, Science and society, Science Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on SPOTLIGHT ON SCIENCE LEARNING: The High Cost of Dropping Science and Math
Sunday, August 4th, 2013
This summer I had an amazing opportunity to teach an online graduate course in the Master of Educational Technology Program at UBC. I was a little bit apprehensive of it at first – a new graduate course (I taught four new courses this year, three of them I designed), teaching all summer long, teaching online… […]
Filed under: General, General teaching, Interactivity in the classroom, Mathematics education, Physics Education, Science Education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | 1 Comment »
Friday, August 2nd, 2013
This summer I have been very busy. I have been teaching two graduate courses. Both focused on the implementation of educational technologies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields. One of these courses was an intensive three week course where we met daily with students for 2.5 hours on campus. This was a great course […]
Filed under: General teaching, Interactivity in the classroom, Mathematics education, Physics Education, Science and society, Science Education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | 1 Comment »
Sunday, July 14th, 2013
I have had two days of the most interesting and stimulating conversations about the use of technology in education. IPTEL conference this year was the first conference organized by UBC Faculty of Education that tried to bring people interested in the use of technology in education (in the very broad sense of the world) together […]
Filed under: Conferences, General, General teaching, Overcoming technology barriers, Physics Education, Science and society, Science Education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on IPTEL 2013 at UBC: Lessons Learned
Friday, June 28th, 2013
On May 6th, I was very fortunate to attend a public lecture hosted by the UBC Centre of Teaching Learning and Technology. This public lecture “The Tyranny of the Lecture” featured a Harvard Professor Eric Mazur who for the last thirty years pioneers various interactive engagement pedagogies and developed the technologies that can enable them. […]
Filed under: General, General teaching, Interactivity in the classroom, Overcoming technology barriers, Personal, Physics Education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on Eric Mazur’s Lecture: The Tyranny of the Lecture
Monday, May 13th, 2013
I have been thinking about SMART Boards for a while now. One of the concerns I have had, is that this technology is very much teacher-centered… You can do many exciting things with SMART Boards, but one person at a time… This is a concern for me. Luckily, I am teaching an online course now […]
Filed under: General, Interactivity in the classroom, Mathematics education, Teacher Education, Technology and learning | | Comments Off on Technology in Math & Science: An Active Table…