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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Amazing! VISUWORDS – Visualizing words’ connections…

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

English is not my first language and it is not my second language too… It is my third or fourth one.  Depends how you count. Oh, well…  Even if you haven’t heard me speak English, you have probably have guessed it already: I do have a heavy Russian accent in whatever language I speak. This […]

Supporting Teachers in Technology Use…

Friday, January 29th, 2010

This week in my ETEC 533 class we had, in my view, the most interesting discussion.  The students were asked to analyze a number of video interviews with mathematics and science teachers about their use of technology. Then the students went and interviewed the teachers of their choice about how those teachers used technology. As […]

Professional Presentations: Prezi – PowerPoint Alternative

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

If you are a teacher, a university professor, a student, a businessman or a businesswoman, you probably have been using PowerPoint for your presentations. I have been using PowerPoint for my lectures and conference presentations for a while as well. One of the things, however, that I found inconvenient with the PowerPoint presentations is that […]

Two Books Every Science Educator Must Read

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

I meant to post it some time ago and I have forgotten. Nowadays with the amount of online resources it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Yet, not all these resources are created equal. I would like to recommend you two books (published online – free in an electronic format) that I found especially important and […]

Course Feedback: Too little too late – should it be like that?

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

This post is created to provide my students with an easy and anonymous way of providing feedback on the ETEC533 class I am currently teaching. I was thinking of how often we rely on course surveys or final course evaluations to find out what our students thought of the courses we taught last term. Too […]


Thursday, January 21st, 2010

CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation) Radio has a very interesting program called “IDEAS” and hosted by Paul Kennedy. The audience of this show (based on CBC) is more than 400,000 listeners. It airs every night – Monday to Friday from 9 pm to 10 pm. Some time ago, they had an entire series dedicated to science […]

The Age of Uncertainty: Reflections of a new online teacher

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

As I came to my office today and read 30+posts by my students in my online course, checked their blogs (I still cannot figure out how to post comments on some of them), commented on their WIKI posts, went through SOME of their paper reviews, I realized that ONLINE COURSES MIGHT BE OVERWHELMING AT TIMES. […]

Video Analysis with Vernier

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

Motivation: Why Video Analysis? In my earlier post on using Logger Pro I mentioned one of my favourite features of this software – Video Analysis. Briefly, it allows you insert and analyze video clips and produce and analyze graphs of their motion. With the abundance of video recording equipment (think cell phones and cheap digital […]

Is Educational Technology Good For You?

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

I am very fortunate to be teaching an online course on educational technology use in Science, Math, Engineering and Technology (SMET) fields. The main reason I am so intrigued by this course (in addition to the topic itself)  is that I have a very interesting group of students involved who not only have extensive teaching […]

Educational Technology? Are we talking about the same thing?

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

I just read a very interesting discussion in my ETEC 533 class: Technology in science and mathematics teaching. The discussion revolved around the analysis of an interview with a high school teacher who was discussing how he uses technology in his classes. While listening to the interview with this teacher I noticed that he uses […]

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