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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Will Technology Alter Our Senses or How We Use/Rely On Them?

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

I just read a comment by one of my students regarding how technology alters learning and our lives. She wrote: “The “seeing” part is so important. It is similar to holding a book and reading a text online. The process is part of the experience. As we advance in technology, does that mean we lose […]

PBS Innovation Awards Gallery

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

I just found out about this web site: PBS Innovation Awards Gallery. I found it due to a post by a physics teacher about innovative data collection activities with SmartBoards, yet, there is much more there. I think it will be of interest to any SMET teacher interested in innovative use of technology.

Clash of Civilizations: BC Museum of Anthropology

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

Today was a rainy Sunday. It actually started OK but towards the afternoon it began to rain. Nevertheless, I decided to take a walk as my pedometer was unforgiving and I felt that I owe a nice walk to myself independent of the weather. So I left home and headed towards the Museum of Anthropology. […]

Ethical Use of Modern Technologies

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Today, as I was reading blogs of my students in the ETEC533 course, I noticed a recurring issue: schools ban the use of different technologies, various social web sites, etc. For example, as one of my students mentioned, his school doesn’t allow the students to use i-phones, i-pods, FB, etc. I keep thinking about it. […]

Beyond SMET – the Impact of Technology

Friday, March 26th, 2010

In a few weeks I will need to take a Canadian Citizenship Test. It is very exciting and I have been waiting for this for a long time. However here, I would like to make a comment about how technology changed how I am preparing for it. The Canadian government sent us a few booklets […]

Smart Board and Smart Response System

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

SmartBoard has also an Electronic Response System component (a set of clickers called a Smart Response System). I have seen videos showing how the clickers can be integrated with the SmartBoard and it looks very impressive. Click here to take a look.

The Future of Publishing

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

I happen to stumble on this clip. I think it is worth watching. You agree with it or not, but it will make you think of what is the future of books, textbooks, learning, classrooms… Just take a few minutes and watch it. We are living through very interesting moment in the period of books […]

Online Science Educatrion Resources: Why so few teachers use them?

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

As I am reading the posts of my students in the Educational Technology Course, I realize that every day I am exposed to at least 5 new web sites that offer amazing science education resources. Yet, not all of these resources are created equal and considering that we all work and teach, we have relatively […]

Science Policy in Canada: Are We There Yet?

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

As I was reading today an announcement that Physics Nobel Laureate and Professor of Physics at UBC, Dr. Carl Weiman was nominated by the President Barack Obama to assume a role of the Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, I was thinking how far we are from […]

Literature on Technology Integration in Science Learning

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

I just finished reading a recent paper by Marcia Linn and her collaborators. The paper (see reference below) talks about the effect of technology on science learning and especially about the Knowledge Integration Framework for Science Teaching and Learning. The idea of the knowledge integration framework is to look at the science instruction in terms […]

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