


July 2024

Archive for the 'Women in Science' Category

ICWIP 2014 Conference

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

We just finished our international STEM 2014 Conference and I am thinking of the International Women in Physics Conference that we will host at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada: I am honoured to be invited to this conference as a panelist Panel ICWIP Invitation Panel. In our panel we will discuss the issue faced by women in […]

STEM 2014 Conference at UBC: The Countdown

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

  In a few days May will be over and summer will begin! I know, the summer is not going to be officially here till June 21st, but for me, the summer starts on June 1st and ends on August 31st. This year we are planning a very exciting summer filled with STEM (Science, Technology, […]

Why Women Still Can’t Have It All

Friday, January 10th, 2014

I do not often post these kind of posts in my blog, as I deliberately decided to focus on mathematics and science education. However, the article I am referring to here deals with the issues that are relevant to many mathematics and science educators who are women, so it does fit. It is also relevant […]

5th International Women in Physics Conference -August 2014 at Wilfid Laurier University in Canada

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

We have very exciting news: 5th International Women in Physics Conference will take place in -August 2014 at Wilfid Laurier University in Canada. We hope you will help us advertise it, so we can invite amazing women in physics to come to Canada, report on their research, share their experiences and try to figure out […]

A Chemical Imbalance: A short movie worth watching

Saturday, August 10th, 2013 WATCH THE FILM TAKE ACTION →   PLEASE HELP US SHARE THE FILM – blog, tweet, embed, email or simply tell your friends about it! We want as many people to see the film as possible! inShare A Chemical Imbalance is a short documentary which celebrates female scientists and looks at why women are still so […]

3rd Women in Physics Canada Conference

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

  I was so excited to participate in the 3rd Women in Science Conference held at Simon Fraser University. I posted more about it on It was a great event and the women at Simon Fraser University who organized it did an amazing job. The quality of talks and panels was just outstanding. I […]

Reflections on the Panel during Creating Connections Conference…

Monday, May 13th, 2013

A few days ago I happened to attend a conference at UBC, titled Creating Connections 2013. The conference lasted for two days and was organized  by Prof. Elizabeth Croft and her team. Elizabeth is an NSERC Research Chair on Women in Science Engineering and Technology for BC and Yukon region and she is certainly one of […]

PISA Results: Girls Lead in Science Exams but not in the US and not in Canada, or do they?

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

A few weeks ago a colleague of mine shared a NY Times article with me that reported the results of PISA (International Science Assessment) broken down by gender. The paper was very interesting and if you click on the image, you will be able to access it. The authors focused on the fact that in […]

Happy International Women’s Day

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Today is an International Women’s Day. This day started more than 100 years ago (in 1909). It is a day when women around the world are recognized. The newspapers publish different stats on women’s successes or unresolved issues related to women: women in politics, women in the family, abused women (just remember the rage that […]

Marie Curie – A Living History Project

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Today I received a very special e-mail from a very special woman – Susan Marie Frontczak. I would like to share it with you. Dear Marina Today I celebrated my birthday, and received many good wishes. Many encouraged me to celebrate and a good friend suggested that I “make it a day to remember.”  This preliminary […]

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