Monday, Jan. 29

Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 1-9 of this document: (both are the same document, in different formats)
Mill, selections from Utilitarianism (MS Word)
Mill, selections from Utilitarianism (PDF)
- You could read Chapter 4 of Mill’s Utilitarianism, in the document linked above. It is optional.
- The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has an entry on Mill’s view of utilitarianism:
— Here’s an even more in-depth discussion of Mill’s Utilitarianism from the SEP:
- Here’s a podcast about Mill’s Utilitarianism, by Nigel Warburton:
- And another podcast by Marianne Talbot:
Wednesday, Jan. 31
Mill, cont’d.
Essay 1 due by noon on Wed. Jan. 31. Submit your essay through the Canvas course site (go to “assignments” after logging in).
Monday, Feb. 5

J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism, chapter 5, pp. 13-17 of this document (same document, two different formats):
Mill, selections from Utilitarianism (MS Word)
Mill, selections from Utilitarianism (PDF)
J.S. Mill, Utilitarianism, chapter 4 of the above document (pp. 9-13)
see optional resources on Mill above as well!
Wednesday, Feb. 7
Finish Mill (no extra reading for this day).
Discussion meetings Feb. 7 or 9
There will be student-led discussions in small groups this week.