The Busheviks’ Great Leap Forward

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Lately I’ve been very much into poster graphics reading about and purchasing vintage 1960s-1970s Chinese communist propaganda posters (see

Taschen has recently published a beautiful large format book Chinese Propaganda Posters as well as a separate portfolio of posters selected from the book. The posters are from the collection of Michael Wolf and focus on the era of the Cultural Revolution.

I’ve also been inspired by my buddy Perry Marker to get into the vintage rock poster scene. I have just a few full size posters and a number of handbills, primarily psychedelic era graphics for concerts at the Filmore West in San Francisco and the Retinal Circus in Vancouver (including Muddy Waters
and Velvet Underground gigs).

So, how could I resist “The Busheviks’ Great Leap Forward”?


  1. I do like it art wise polticallty not reall the news media goes againsit bush cause they dont like him….our miltray is one the best in the world and no one can match it. Golbal warimng isnt real so that got strached.. and patriot act has saved your life ..and you dont even now it cause ..a terroist plot isnt always shown on THE NEWS ……thank a mairne for free speech

  2. Yes, true our media doesn’t support Bush, but neither do the Democrats, but they aren’t the solution to our America’s problems either. The main problem with our government is we have two parties, and neither truely support our people, and neither have very good ideas.

    Global Warming is real, and whether or not the Ice Caps will be melted by 2100 or 3100 isn’t the issue… protecting our enviroment should be a concern whether as long as we are harming it. The short-sightedness of the idea “We aren’t warming the earth, so why not stick more CO2 into the air?” is barbaric, shows idiocy and a lack of any thinking process.

    The Patriot Act is named such so it meets less resistance… what kind of good little American would be against the Patriot Act? It is small steps, and things like the Patriot Act that is rapidly bringing an Orwellian Police State upon our country. Ever heard the quote, “Fascism will arrive and it will be wrapped in a flag and carring a cross?” Guess what…

    What really ticks me is the mis-representation of counter Americana thought. If you don’t love everything about America, you must hate it. I assume you’ve seen my name and instantly think I am some drugged up teen who hates my teachers and all that jazz. Guess what, that isn’t What Anarchists believe in… true, Anarchy is a lawless society, but Anarchism is not. You think this way because that is what they teach you.

  3. Interestingly, I just published a book showing how Kirk Anderson’s cartoons – among others – are an homage to the posters produced in China during the Cultural revolution. Check it out.

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