Historians Against the War Statement—The Widening Circle of Violence in the Middle East

The Steering Committee of Historians Against the War has issued a statement on the The Widening Circle of Violence in the Middle East and is soliciting responses.

You can join HAW by visiting their website and signing the statement on the U.S. Occupation of Iraq. The HAW website also has a collection of useful links, teaching resources, and a Virtual Movement Archive.

The Widening Circle of Violence in the Middle East
Historians Against the War
Steering Committee
July, 2006

The Steering Committee of Historians Against the War deplores the role of the U.S. government in widening the circle of violence in the Middle East. We condemn the Bush Administration’s senseless quest for military solutions to the region’s problems exemplified by the invasion of Iraq, diplomatic and material aid for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and threats of military action against Iran. We call upon Congress and the Bush Administration to support an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon/Israel/Gaza, turn away from militarism, and embrace genuine international efforts aimed at resolving underlying political conflicts.

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In an effort to better reflect the views of the HAW membership, the Steering Committee requests that you respond to this message with a short paragraph or two outlining your thoughts on the latest developments and the appropriate HAW response. In particular, we ask you to consider whether to broaden our mandate to include taking positions on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, U.S. threats to Syria and Iran, the so-called “global war on terror,” and the socio-economic impact of empire on the United States. After the deadline of August 21st, we will compile a sample of responses, send them out as “HAW Notes” to our more than 2000 members, and follow up with appropriate action. For further information on HAW, visit our website.

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