New issue of Cultural Logic

Cultural Logic, an electronic journal of Marxist theory and practice, has just launched its latest issue.

This issue includes:

An edited version of Theodore W. Allen’s “Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race” with an introduction by Jeffrey B. Perry.

A cluster of articles on utopia by Maryam El-Shall (“Salafi Utopia: The Making of the Islamic State”), Christopher Kendrick (“Tendencies of Utopia: Reflections on Recent Work in the Modern Utopian Tradition”), and Michael David Szekely (“Rethinking Benjamin: The Fuction of the Utopian Ideal”).

Other articles include:

Tom Crumpacker, “Democracy and the Multiparty Political System”
Jason Del Gandio, “Bush’s S20 and the Re-routing of American Order”
Simon Enoch, “The New Right Frankenstein? Culture War and the Abnegation of Class”
Rich Gibson, “The Torment and Demise of the United Auto Workers Union as Performed by the Auto Bosses, the Labor Leaders, Counterfeit Radicals, Fictional Revolutionaries, and All Those Who Know They Are Not Innocent Either”
Stephano Harney, “Governance, State, and Living Labour”
Venessa Raney, “Gramsci Outside of Marx?: Defining Culture in Gramscian Terms”
Fengzhen Wang and Shaobo Xie, “Displacement, Differentiation, Difference: The Reproduction of Culture and Space in Globalized China”
Robert W. Williams, “Democracy, Cyberspace, and the Body”

Samuel Fassbinder reviews:
Peter McClaren, Capitalists and Conquerors: A Critical Pedagogy Against Empire; Red Seminars: Radical Excursions into Educational Theory, Cultural Politics, and Pedagogy; Peter McLaren and Ramin Farahmandpur, Teaching Against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism; and Marc Pruyn and Luis M. Huerta-Charles, eds., Teaching Peter McLaren

Mathew A. Hale reviews: Mary Pardo, Mexican American Women Activists

Tom Mayer reviews: Michael D. Yates, Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy

And poetry by Nancy Scott.

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