Arizona proposes legislation to prohibit politcal activity of teachers and professors

In yet another sign of the emerging fascism in the USA an Arizona Senate committee approved a bill that would punish college professors for endorsing, supporting or opposing political candidates, legislation, and litigation in any court; for advocating “one side of a social, political, or cultural issue that is a matter of partisan controversy” or hindering military recruiting on campus or endorsing the activities of those who do.

This is one of the most outrageous attacks on academic freedom and freedom of speech to come down the pike in a long time. So outrageous that even David Horowitz, the force behind the anti-liberal Academic Bill of Rights, says the legislation goes too far.

Read more here: Inside Higher Ed: $500 Fines for Political Profs


  1. Is this a thinly disguised strategy to eliminate higher education? What in the world wouldn’t count as a partisan issue, now, in the past or in the future? What a truly silly notion of what education is about and yet another sign of the creeping (galloping) fascism in the US.

  2. It’s not unlike the Florida legislature passing a law that U.S. history taught in the state’s schools “shall be viewed as factual, not as constructed” and “shall be viewed as knowable, teachable and testable”. If there is no interpretation there is no history. Florida, Arizona…the cutting edge of where the USA is headed.

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