1. I’m from the UK and we, like American citizens, find ourselves in a very similar situation. A comparable rate of people in this country disagree on the war aswell as supporting it. My flatmate’s brother is infact serving in Helman province in Afghanistan with the Royal Grenadiers. We are all forced to live together no matter what our beliefs.

    I am also a Photography student and have experience in interpreting photographs and understanding their impact upon individuals and society in general.

    The point of the photograph to me, and correct me if im wrong E Wayne Ross, is purely a commentary on US foreign policy and is not meant to be offensive. The point of it is more to raise awareness through construction of a similar representational form, seen here in the form of the photograph ‘Iwo Jima’ by Joe Rosenthal in 1945. This creates a surreal element in the mix of familiarity and unfamiliarity.

    The real issue thrown up by this discussion is the notion of freedom. Freedom of expression and freedom of speech. The author has every right to produce the image and anyone who opposes it also holds the right to argue their case in a well reasoned way. The “Patriots” who support the notion of Iraqi freedom, however, seem here to deny their own countrymen rights that were laid down upon the founding of the United States and have been passed down through tradition from one generation to the next. If you really support the notion of true freedom and democracy, by all means argue your corner. But do it in a well reasoned, calm and collected way. Don’t try to stifle someone offering an alternate perspective.

    Patriotism is not a bad thing. it’s an admirable quality. However blind patriotism is not.

  2. I don’t care what your politics are but you walk a thin line when you make a tasteless statement and portrayal of the Mt. Suribachi Marines, whit a photo like this. I’d love to take you to Iwo Jima and kick your ass down the whole length of the hill.


  3. It might not be the best of ironic joke’s, but our Democracy, the Democracy these men so bravely died to defend in Iwo Jima, has the freedom of speech and opinion as one of its core values.
    This includes irony and joking.

  4. It’s tasteless, disrespectful and his intent was not to create “awareness.” I’m an Air Force Veteran and find your “depcition” of the current war utilizing an outstanding moment in our history unbelievably without a doubt (again) disrespectful. I would like to personally drag you by your eye sockets to the VFW or the American Legion and let you stand on your soapbox there. Then watch as an 89 year old Iwo Jima Vet rip your head off and shit down your neck. You wouldn’t be preaching your stupid assanine bullshit if it weren’t for those marines and all those that fought in WWII you fucking liberalistic waste of oxygen. Grow a pair of nuts, man up, do whatever you need to do to pull your panties out of the crack of your ass, and head down to your local recruiter. Head down to MEPS and do something for your country other than bitch and moan about our government and our involvement in “far away” places. I swear you’re just a waste of human flesh!

  5. To E. Wayne Ross
    First of all What empire? All we ask for is space to bury our dead. Second of all why do you tarnish the memory of every serviceman/woman in America’s history. You make me ashamed to call myself an American. When I see your butt on the line with a rifle you can make a mockery of American servicemen/women until then keep your mouth shut. We aren,t out there to grab oil. We are not forcing the oil to flow to America at no charge. We still pay through the nose to get oil. We aren’t half as militant as the rest of the middle east.

  6. Thank you Jim Schneider for including Stalin in that message. I think this picture is a disrace to what our FREE country is about. All those pussy liberals out there with funny money for microsoft or all that shit need to get a damn life and realize that FREEDOM IS NOT FREE and that soldiers RISK THEIR GODDAMN LIVES to defend everyone even thos who dont give a flying fuck about what the soldiers are doing. The enemies of the US right now in my opinion are Al Quaida Bin Laden China, North Korea and Russia I agreee with PAtton we should have run over Russia when we had the chance and we wouldnt have had a Korean pr Vietnam Wars Im not going to write again so you might wanna actually realize tht soldiers are dying for you whether you like it or not. My dad is in Iraq right now and my whole family misses him so go fuck off E Wayne and GO TO FUCKING HELL!!!!! SEMPER FI!!!!

  7. Wayne you and all your ignorant liberal pals need to STFU, obviously none of y’all know anything about the war. We went to war in Iraq because of intelligence of WMDs. Since we could not prove it I don’t know if they had any or not but just “thinking so” is plenty of justification for me. Using the picture of the Iwo flag raising is disrespectful to the nearly 10,000 men who died there, (especially the 3 flag raisers that died in the battle: Harlon Block, Frank Sousley, Mike Strank) just to insult our country. Its funny how using racial slurs like the N-word is a crime but this shit is not. I don’t know why we are still occupying Iraq as much when most of the problem is elsewhere now but unless you’ve been riding your damn huffy bike you’d know oil isn’t getting any cheaper.

  8. Read the book: A Country Made by War” by Geoffery Perret. It will disabuse both sides of the argument as to who is right. The United States has never and will never be a “peace loving” nation. We are what we are today, because of our preminence in making and winning wars. Our Army probably has the distinction of conquering and occupying, at least temporarily, (except in the case of parts of Mexico) a more vast area than any would be empire in world history. Yes, we gave or give the land back, but our force of arms has been unequaled in the world. We look after our national interests. If we didn’t we would not be where we are today, the world’s lone superpower. Yeah, Yeah, China, the Worlds Super Population. Not Super Power. They cannot project national power past their own territorial waters.

  9. it is treu what the people in irak say . give the fucking yank a hand and he will not leave your country anymore . the interfear all over the world whit everything making things more difficult than they were . big idiots whit a weapon .time to nuke the us . fuck them all .they interfear here in europe to result , we fall back to the 1940 , there the new nazis .just kill the bastards

  10. Who the hell do you think you are to use one of Americas greatest symboles of freedom as some sort of bad joke. My friend, i am sorry for your ignorance, and one last thing.

    Go fucking rot in hell, you discrace of an American

    Semper Fi!!!

  11. i am only 13 years old but i understand both sides of the story this isint meant to be funny it isint what i think it is meant to mean is that alot of U.S foreign polocy revolvs around oil but i think that it goes to far and is insulting to all men and women who haved served are serving and will serve

  12. also, why dont we leave the talk about the war, the atom bomb, and the flag raising to people who know what actually happened, not to some progressive minded ass hole who gathered their facts from Hollywood.

    The flag raising was not staged – and this picture is a fucking disgrace.

  13. damn guys it’s not meant to be funny and i wouldn’t know why anybody would think so. But i think the intensions were to pay respects to all on iwo jima. I don’t think this picture is funny of course at all but i think it’s respectful.

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