Almost the best job in North America

Well, I’m back to the grind of blogging after taking some time off to attend the American Educational Research Association meeting in San Francisco (and then visit friends in California wine country). It’s a tough job, but I guess someone has to do it.

After whining about all the stress of preparing a few presenations for AERA I was stunned to see that Money Magazine says I have almost the best job in America.

My buddy Ken, who obviously has lot’s of time on his hands to read superfluous publications like Money, tipped me off to my supposed good fortune.

Well, best get back to the excruciating work of professing…

One comment

  1. I found the AERA conference stimulating as well. Too bad it rained most of the time. I noticed the Money Magazine article this morning, where my job is ranked #20. Still, not bad.
    Paul Baker
    Public Relations
    Wisconsin Center for Education Research

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