What do Woody Guthrie, Neil Young, James Brown, Dolly Parton, Irving Berlin and Bob Dylan have in common?

Great idea here…I’ve had some success using blues music in social studies classes to teach about the experiences of African Americans as well as economic and class issues. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pitt professor aims to help teach other subjects through music 7/30/2006, 12:29 p.m. ET By ANDREW DRUCKENBROD The Associated Press PITTSBURGH (AP) — What do […]

Massacre of teachers in Mexico, 11 dead

Socialist Teachers Alliance: MASSACRE OF TEACHERS IN MEXICO, 11 DEAD Here are several reports on developments in Oaxaca, Mexico. The eyewitness report below here is both terrible and inspiring. Please respond to the request for letters denouncing the attack of teachers. Dave Stratman newdemocracyworld.org 20 Moraine Street Boston, MA 02130 617-524-4073 ******************** The state of […]

Pitching religion at the ballpark

Here’s a piece from The Nation‘s Dave Zirin on the Colorado Rockies’ program to pander to the almighty dollars of Jesus-followers: “The Rockies Pitch Religion”. Seems the Rockies have been actively recruiting Christians for their currently mediocre baseball team…perhaps in an effort to get god on their side, thus boosting their numbers in the win […]

Re: Dude, You Must Renounce the Braves. This is too too much

From: rgibson@pipeline.com Subject: Dude, You Must Renounce the Braves. This is too too much Date: June 1, 2006 7:38:39 PM PDT (CA) To: wayne.ross@mac.com http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/02/sports/02faith.html?hp&ex=1149220800&en=a3d44512c857dd8e&ei=5094&partner=homepage From: wayne.ross@mac.com Subject: Re: Dude, You Must Renounce the Braves. This is too too much Date: June 1, 2006 7:43:12 PM PDT (CA) To: rgibson@pipeline.com Yeah I read about this […]

In my ear

I have been acquiring tons of new (and old) music lately. As usual my listening habits are quite catholic, but I’ve been dipping into New Orleans R&B consistently, the usual mix of “Americana/alt.country,” and lot’s of “alternative” as well as older blues and rock. Here’s a list of albums that are in the super heavy […]