Current Students

Antonia Soldovieri

I am a first-year student in the Master of Arts School and Applied Child Psychology program. Once I finish my degree, I’d like to work with kiddos in schools, providing school psychology services. I’d be interested to explore work with remote communities, as well as integrating counselling services and mental health interventions into my work. I was born in Germany and grew up in Toronto, Ontario. My undergrad was in psychology at the University of Toronto. I’ve always been interested in people and how they learn and connect to one another. I also love to work with kids – school psychology is a really great intersection of these two areas and that’s a big part of what drew me to this field. The program’s community and the practical experiences are two things I really like about it. In my spare time, I love to draw. Advice for students: get an agenda! Build in time to unwind and rest. Soak up all the knowledge around you and enjoy the process.

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