Current Students

Veronique Nguy

Veronique Nguy

I grew up in Hong Kong before moving to Vancouver to pursue undergraduate studies in Psychology at the University of British Columbia. I am a foodie, cat lover, and loves to travel. Previously, I worked as an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapist before completing a Master’s degree in School Psychology at UBC. Since 2012, I have been working as a School Psychologist in the Surrey School District. Over the years, I have also worked in university clinics, hospital settings and private clinics in different roles and capacities. Currently, I am completing doctoral studies in School Psychology. As a multilingual practitioner, my research focuses on understanding multicultural assessment practices of psychologists in BC. Recently, I completed specialty practicum training with Dr. Wallace Wong at the Ministry of Children and Family Development, where I provided clinical services to children and youth referred through the Child and Youth Mental Health Clinic (CYMH), Adolescent Sexual Health Program (ASH) and Gender Health Program (GHP).

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