Home décor industry trends

From technology that allows people to bathe in colors to minimalist furniture with rustic energy, there have been many changes in the trends of the home décor industry. While the discussion on the decrease of people interested in home ownership continues, it is evident that those who do own a home want it to look magnificent. The home décor trends have seen major changes in the past few years especially with the rise of technology in the home design industry providing even more options to consumers. For example, rather than buying simple curtains, people can now choose to use smart blinds in their homes that are not only convenient, but a great way to save energy. Additionally, millennials have also acquired different tastes in how they want their homes to look. This is clear through the rise of minimalist home décor which has currently become one of the biggest trends in the industry. The options of designing homes are not only affordable and convenient in today’s world, but also make ones home look like it is straight out of a magazine page. Either way, all these new innovations and interests in the industry allow one to choose the best design to create a comfortable and fulfilling living space.

Technology has disrupted almost every industry, including that of home décor and design. Technological trends in home décor are not just purchasing smart home gadgets, but also using technology as a means to figure out how to decorate one’s home in the first place. For example, several apps, including some with virtual technology, allow one to take pictures of their living space and use a device to fill it with different furniture and décor. Additionally, smart home technology is an ever growing trend of home décor especially as more companies focus on creating technological products with added style. For example, people can now purchase smart speakers, or smart trashcans, or integrate thermostats into one’s home to create the best living environment. Home technology can also be beneficial as it can serve many different purposes with less equipment, enhancing one of the other rising trends in home décor, minimalism. With shows such as Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, more and more individuals are creating minimalist homes. Moreover, the minimalist approach is used increasingly by millennials who are constantly traveling and hence do not require a lot of home décor in the first place. A lot of companies are using this trend and creating more options for homeowners in the minimalist space. For example, providing multi-use furniture to reduce space and increase affordability in the purchase of home décor.

Overall, many trends are changing the home décor industry, creating a wider range of cost-effective products with added convenience. Home décor today is also highly influenced by social media as more people choose to share images of their living space online, inspiring others to create similar living spaces. The home décor industry is constantly growing, as can be seen by the various companies starting to invest time and effort into it. It is interesting to see the manner in which the trends will continue to change and create new options for one to choose from to create the decorated and designed home of one’s dreams.